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How Great Thou Art

Graham Coster

‘At the very end we came upon him – others had seen him from time to time, and reported that he was still out there – and he was bigger even than we had expected.’


Robert Coover

Robert Coover envisions a Trumpian Hulk for a modern America.

Human Moments in World War III

Don DeLillo

‘Happiness is not a fact of this experience, at least not to the extent that one is bold enough to speak of it.’

Hush . . . Hush Sweet Charlotte

Kazushige Abe

‘The crucial thing was to cool the baby off, bring the fever down.’

I watched a man kill himself

Louise Dean

‘Continuity is what we dread, not The End.’

I’ve Seen the Future, Baby; It Is Murder

Tara Isabella Burton

‘It was not very comfortable, but the appeal of it was that we did not like each other.’

If I Could Tell You | New Voices

Soumya Bhattacharya

‘How will you later remember these years in Calcutta, your years of first, rapid, change in a city that had changed so much?’


Gina Apostol

‘She does not go home for her mother's funeral because the prospect of return gives her insomnia. She splurges on a coat from Miu Miu instead.’


Sherman Alexie

‘Anonymous cries up and down the hallways. Linoleum floors swabbed with gray water. Mop smelling like old sex.’

Isis in Darkness

Margaret Atwood

‘The lock splits. The iron gate swings open. She emerges, raises her arms towards the suddenly chilled moon. The world changes.’

I’m a Mad Dog Biting Myself for Sympathy

Louise Erdrich

‘I had never seen a child this little before, so small that it was not a child yet.’


Carys Davies

‘His name was Arthur Pritt, he said, and he was sorry for the day.’

Jumping Monkey Hill

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

‘His accent was what the British called posh, the kind some rich Nigerians tried to mimic and ended up sounding unintentionally funny.’


James Buchan

‘I see in an instant what has brought people to the valley for four centuries.’