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Best Book of 1959: Mrs Bridge

Sindya Bhanoo

‘When the book was published, my own parents were children in India, then a newly independent nation.’

Best Book of 1978: Who Do You Think You Are?

Emily LaBarge

‘I have read them so often that sometimes I cannot remember what is mine and what is hers’

Best Book of 1998: Symbiotic Planet

Daisy Lafarge

‘Symbiogenesis is horizontal and anarchic, a frenzy of illicit fusions and mergers – energies coming together for mutual benefit.’

Daisy Lafarge on the best book of 1998.

Best Book of 2019: Better Never Than Late

Ukamaka Olisakwe

‘This book is about how to navigate the thorny valley of dead dreams. Some will survive the ordeal; others will tip over the edge, irredeemable.’

Between Light and Storm

Esther Woolfson

‘We’ve always been entwined in life and in death with other creatures, although often too much time has elapsed to be able to interpret with any certainty what some of these symbols and artefacts mean.’


Pwaangulongii Dauod

‘There are many writers, including myself, who owe their careers to Binyavanga. He was the most generous writer of his generation.’

Pwaangulongii Dauod remembers the late Binyavanga Wainaina.

Border Documents

Arturo Soto

‘The twin cities of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez lie either side of the US–Mexico border.’

Caleb Klaces | Notes on Craft

Caleb Klaces

Caleb Klaces on being inspired by Van Gogh’s third image, found during the X-ray scanning of one of Van Gogh’s early, repainted canvases.


Andrew O'Hagan

‘Where was Denver in all of this, or the wide open road to Mexico, or the woman, hip to the souls of sensitive men, who was played on-screen by Sissy Spacek and later by Kirsten Dunst?’

Andrew O’Hagan remembers Carolyn Cassady, beat writer and widow of Neal Cassady.

Carrot Bread

Annabel Banks

‘A short story is a loose-knit sweater, a trawler’s net, where the spaces and holes are inseparable from the whole.’


Ahmet Altan

‘I get into the police car with four officers from the Anti-Terrorism Branch. They are taking me to the prison.’


Ruchir Joshi

‘I was close to my own father, which many people are not.’

Ruchir Joshi remembers his son.

Commuting Through Coronavirus

Kikuko Tsumura

‘My friend and her colleagues are being told not to get infected. Infections among employees will affect the company’s reputation, and would be an inconvenience to clients.’

Cooking from Memory

Barclay Bram

Barclay Bram reports from Chengdu – on the attention to detail in Sichuanese cooking.