Granta | The Home of New Writing


Squish Me Tender

D. Mortimer

‘I wasn’t sure if I was having an orgasm or evolving.’

Stuck in Trees (with Apologies to Ian Frazier)

Jessica Francis Kane

‘On 8 January 2018, I noticed a large bunch of purple balloons in a tree near my apartment building.’


Primo Levi

‘It was a harsh and brutal puberty: the tiny creatures began to fret, as if an inner sense had forewarned them of the torment in store’

The Bees

Dorothea Lasky

‘What is the swarm of bees that enters a poem when language is created?’

The Billionaire Comes To Supper

Hanif Kureishi

A new short story from Hanif Kureishi.

The Cheffe

Marie NDiaye

‘She was proud, but there was no vanity in her pride.’

The Guests

Hisham Matar

‘Strangely, it was Joseph Conrad who introduced me to Edward Said and not the other way around.’

The Hypocrites

Mehdi Tavana Okasi

‘Inshallah, one day I will return your every kindness.’ What does it mean to be American in Mehdi Tavana Okasi’s new story.

The Last Rite of the Body

Sophie Mackintosh

‘My ex-boyfriend dies, and we all gather to put our hands into his body.’ New fiction from Sophie Mackintosh.

The Poetics of Trauma

Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson

Swedish poet and psychoanalyst Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson on trauma, silence and linguistic analysis of asylum seekers. Translated from the Swedish by Peter Graves.

The Politics of Feeling

Nick Laird

‘Everything already is fraying at the edges if not completely gone.’

The Snow in Ghana

Ryszard Kapuściński

‘We always carry it to foreign countries, all over the world, our pride and our powerlessness.’ Translated from the Polish by William Brand.

The Sole Purveyor of Madame Bovary in Beijing circa 1989

Amanda Lee Koe

‘In the day, his bevy of besotted rustics were coached in maxims of libertarian socialism. By night: rice wine orgies and folk punk sing-alongs.’

The Spread

Ben Lerner

‘He began to feel less like he was delivering a speech and more like a speech was delivering him.’

Read an extract from Ben Lerner’s latest novel, The Topeka School.