Granta | The Home of New Writing


American Journal

Christine Montalbetti

‘All those appetizing vessels exposed and available, O how delightfully vulnerable they are, it brings a tear to the eye.’

Lisa Moore | Notes on Craft

Lisa Moore

‘I wanted to explore what a “likeness” is, and how the act of capturing a person through a portrait might compare to writing a character.’


Blake Morrison

‘One by one they’re led into the box. They swear their oath. They confirm their name, their employment, why they were where they say they were, what it was they saw.’

Masculinity Is Leaving The Male Body

D. Mortimer

‘If we’re gonna imagine this beautiful queer paradise what form does a man take?’


Ottessa Moshfegh

‘Part of what made him interesting was that I felt he would dismiss me the moment I bored him.’

Rainbow People

Nicholas Mosley

‘This journey around the outskirts of the Jungle went in a little and came out wondering, well that is not what I would have called a jungle.’

Ghost Wall

Sarah Moss

An excerpt from Sarah Moss's Ghost Wall, published by Granta Books.

Large Black Rooster

Daniyal Mueenuddin

‘Early one morning in the month of June, someone ran over a huge black rooster on County Road W in Wisconsin hill country.’

Bohemian Rhapsody in Five Acts

Tiffany Murray

Tiffany Murray on living with Freddie Mercury as a child.

See What You Do to Me

TaraShea Nesbit

‘My intention was to protect myself, and not to have to go back on my word.’

The Wanderers

Guadalupe Nettel

'Childhood felt like a waiting room, a transitory phase between birth and the life we wanted.'

On Paris Hilton and Other Undead Things

Brittany Newell

‘What sex tapes offer, on a hauntological level, is an impossible closeness to that which is neither dead nor alive.’

The Heavens

Sandra Newman

‘It was one of those parties where no one knew the hostess.’


Adam Nicolson

‘All in it together but not in it together at all.’