Granta | The Home of New Writing


Sharon Millar | Interview

Sharon Millar

‘Writing allows me to go below the surface and pull up the things that can’t be articulated in any other form.’

Helen Oyeyemi | My Writing Playlist

Helen Oyeyemi

Helen Oyeyemi on what she listens to while writing and editing.

Rooms That Have Had Their Part

Joanna Kavenna

‘Rooms jaundiced by bad lighting, so you wondered, what is ague, and could we have it? Rooms that hummed, a hum you couldn’t quite identify, or that seemed in the end to come from your own head.’

Leagues Away

Benjamin Markovits

‘A year passed before I could pick up a ball again with pleasure.’


Nadifa Mohamed

‘Silence takes the place of all these words and her loneliness remains as dense and close as a shadow.’

The Best of Young British Novelists

Nadav Kander

Nadav Kander's stunning portraits of Granta's Best of Young British Novelists 2013.

You Don’t Have To Live Like This

Benjamin Markovits

‘It felt like everything that had happened to me in college, everything I had learned to be comfortable with, had produced this jerk standing naked in the water, splashing his best friend’s girlfriend in the chest.’


Joanna Kavenna

‘She was living as herself, in herself, without ever thinking about what that meant.’

Boy, Snow, Bird

Helen Oyeyemi

‘I didn’t enclose a note, though there were a few things I’d have liked to say. Restraint is classier.’

Gadi Taub | Best Untranslated Writers

Etgar Keret

‘At first, I thought the best way to introduce Gadi Taub’s powerful novel would be through its sophisticated and twist-filled plot. But the hard hitting story isn’t half as complex and unique as its protagonists.’


Andrés Neuman

‘My name is Marcos. I’ve always wanted to be Cristóbal.’

Blue Jay

Lillian Li

‘Like romantic love, you can’t ever replicate your first best-friendship.’

Lillian Li | Interview

Lillian Li

‘I don’t think I ever learned how to tell a story in the literal sense.’

The Quality of the Affection

Lloyd Lynford

‘What thou lovest well cannot be reft from thee. But maybe Ezra was mistaken, maybe it can be reft, but maybe that was her fault.’