The Bees that Disappeared
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Sky Burial
Maile Chapman
‘That was my first introduction to the way that the elderly are obliged to live: the dependence, the danger and the enormous expense when something does happen.’
Leaving Afghanistan
Christopher Merrill
‘An Afghan saying – if you turn over a rock, you will find a poet.'
Justin Mundhenk
‘She felt like she was stepping on someone’s knuckles. With each careful step, she heard the sound of breaking bones.’
That Father Lost
Dave Lucas
‘The last words I heard my father speak were Help me, over and over again. In all the rest of my life I will never reconcile this with any God I could dream of believing in.’
Abingdon Square Park
Rowan Ricardo Phillips
‘I once had had a thought / About a thought I once had had.’
Chinelo Okparanta | Interview
Chinelo Okparanta & Yuka Igarashi
‘I wanted to be sure to approach their resistance to Nnenna’s homosexuality from a practical perspective – one of fear, rather than one of hate.’
Letters From Two Exit Strategists
Jacob Newberry & Vanessa Manko
‘I feel like I’ll spend a great many years unravelling whatever is being stored inside of me just now.’
City Boy
Judy Chicurel
‘I would have dreams that woke me in the middle of the night, my heart shaking inside my body.’
Jacob Newberry
‘I met Jay two summers after Katrina, two years after my parents separated, two years after I came out.’
Ishion Hutchinson
‘The train station was a cemetery. / Drunk with spirits, another being entered.’
The Provincials
Daniel Alarcón
‘I'd been out of the Conservatory for about a year when my great-uncle Raúl died.’
Pay Attention
Sophie Cabot Black
‘I can only do what is here. But you / Have an entire congregation of choice’
David Long
In his New England town, when Hawkins was a boy, Independence Day was celebrated...
In Sight of the Lake
Alice Munro
‘She liked how the latticework would provide a touch of fantasy.’
Fiction by Alice Munro.
The End?
John Barth
‘What do you do when your daily routine comes to a halt, when your latest achievement just might be your last?’
Ellen Rachlin
‘Theory cannot be tangible fact / like driving on I-95 to get to a lecture / on supernovae.’
Detroit, 1966
Lynda Schuster
‘This is how it starts, my yearning to escape: with a snot-green triangular stamp from Qatar.’
Letters from One Young Poet to Another
Caleb Klaces & Soledad Marambio
‘I do like to think of my poems as messages.’
sleeping far from home
Soledad Marambio
‘They told her a thrush came into the house / and fell asleep by the TV.’
The Sun in a Box
Caleb Klaces
‘When I was younger I drafted a memory. / I drew a rectangle on a piece of card / and called it a computer.’
Holy Solitude
Kong Yalei
‘I always think, either as a reader or as a writer, one person – anyone – can struggle against this filthy world by entering into a world of literature.’
Jon McGregor | Podcast
Jon McGregor & Ted Hodgkinson
Jon McGregor on reworking his first published story from the female perspective, his enduring fascination with Lincolnshire and his new short story collection, This Isn’t The Sort Of Thing That Happens To Someone Like You.
In Winter the Sky
Jon McGregor
‘In winter there’s no danger of falling into the sky / Our bodies anchored to the ground by the weight of the light.’
We’ll always have Paris
Richard Meier
‘I’d gone there with my girlfriend of three years, / then left her three days after meeting you.’
Drifting House
Krys Lee
‘Houses loomed like ghosts. The government’s face was everywhere: on the sides of a beached cart, above the lintel of the post office.’