Granta | The Home of New Writing

The Secular World


Vivek Narayanan

‘he’s done something / he can’t take back’

Anjan Sundaram and Lindsey Hilsum In Conversation

Lindsey Hilsum & Anjan Sundaram

‘Sometimes we don’t quite know what we’re seeing.’

Anjali Joseph | First Sentence

Anjali Joseph

‘I kept returning to the Beckett stories, a favourite since I came upon them in my late teens.’

The Fixer

Snigdha Poonam

‘In Indian media and advertising, young people are mainly being projected as vessels of breathless aspiration.’

Three Prose Poems

Sharmistha Mohanty

‘And the evening wind from over the sea makes that threadbare self billow like a tattered sail, all that resisted it now become the air on which it rises.’

Five Things Right Now: Kelly Link

Kelly Link

Kelly Link, author of Get in Trouble shares five links to what she’s reading, watching and thinking about right now.

Honk Honk to Udvada

Chandrahas Choudhury

‘Oh Uncle, it’s such a historical day,’ said Zahra. ‘The eight hundredth anniversary of our arrival in India after we faced so much persecution in Iran, and we’re going to such a big bash, and all you can think about is emus. What will Dr Billimoria think of our family?’

Cairo: September 2014

Wiam El-Tamami

‘Over the past few months, the government has been ad-libbing the time.’

The Foreign Correspondent

Pallavi Aiyar

‘The absence of Indian foreign correspondents was, and is, unexceptional.’

Performance Art

Manjula Padmanabhan

‘A single pod of cardamom! Was that enough? To flavour an entire life’s pot of time?’

To Recall, To Praise

Spencer Reece

‘What would follow for five years was one of my last relationships forged through letters.’

Two Poems

Minal Hajratwala

‘The unicorns are a technology / we cannot yet approximate.’


Silvina Ocampo

‘Oh, nothing, nothing is mine. / I am like the reflections of a gloomy lake / or the echo of voices at the bottom of a blue / well when it has rained.’

Barbara Ras and Matthew Dickman In Conversation

Matthew Dickman & Barbara Ras

‘They happen organically. If a can of Pepsi shows up it’s because I was thinking about a can of Pepsi.’

Fatima Bhutto | My Other Thing

Fatima Bhutto

‘If you happen to be friends with one of the world’s most fearsome food critics, don’t cook for him.’

Five Things Right Now: Carmen Maria Machado

Carmen Maria Machado

Carmen Maria Machado, author of ‘The Husband Stitch’, shares five links to what she’s reading, watching and thinking about right now.

My Chess Teacher

Ricardo Lísias

‘The environment, however, wasn’t a hostile one. Though it was filled with the strangest guys in town, they were only there to play.’


Kimiko Hahn

‘The lemon shark / who returns to the same mangrove-lined shallows / every year to give birth.’

Five Things Right Now: John Darnielle

John Darnielle

John Darnielle, author of the debut novel Wolf in White Van, shares five links of what he’s reading, watching and thinking about right now.

S.J. Naudé and Ivan Vladislavić In Conversation

S.J. Naudé & Ivan Vladislavić

‘In rapidly transforming societies, writers may lose the space they’ve built their imaginative lives around.’

Orion’s Belt

Cristhiano Aguiar

‘Well, if the Bible, Greek tragedies and Star Wars have taught me something it’s that anything of great importance will eventually come in threes.’

Biographical Detail

Ángel González Muñiz

‘The cockroaches in my house complain because I read at night’.

When Did I Become a Writer?

Mia Couto

‘I am often asked when I became a writer, and I have taken to not rushing my answer.’

The Abyss

Rafael Frumkin

‘I came home this past fall to the Chicago suburb where I’d lived with my parents from age nine until I left for college in 2008, and I moved back into my childhood bedroom.’

Red Space: Promoting a Socialist Destiny

Justin Jampol

Space posters were ‘visually stunning representations of the promises of the Soviet state’.

The Chronicle of the Wrinkled-Face Sheikh

Salman Natour

‘No other inanimate object retains emotion as strongly as keys do. Fingerprints are engraved on them as if the laws of wear and tear do not apply.’

Nawzat Shamdin | Interview

Nawzat Shamdin & Larry Siems

‘I remain what I have always been, a human being first, and then an Iraqi. And then I am a writer.’

Data Recovery

Diego Collado

‘The viewer has to pour their own unconscious into interpreting these images, make them their own, allow themselves to be encouraged by the existence of a void.’

Introduction: Fate

Sigrid Rausing

The last time I wrote about fate was in an article for the Guardian on...


Louise Erdrich

‘Seven corporations control the afterlife now, and many people spend their lives amassing the money to upload into the best.’

Origin Myth

Mary Ruefle

‘Life continually circled in cold inaccessible serenity around unhappy Earth’

Key Stroke

Will Self

Striking the keys of the same typewriter that once sat under J.G. Ballard’s fingers, Will Self reimagines the legendary writer’s last days.

How to Get Over Someone You Love

Adam Fitzgerald

‘Would you like to come with me for some / old-fashioned inconclusive combat?’

Self-Made Man

Mark Gevisser

Mark Gevisser examines the personal, political and social issues of transgender identity in America.


Mark Doty

‘an orange plastic basket of compost / down from the top of the garden – sweet dark, / fibrous rot, promising’

Some Heat

Miranda July

‘No one knows why ripping up a name makes a person call – science can’t explain it. Erasing the name also works.’