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The Sex Lives of African Girls
Taiye Selasi
‘She has the most genuine intentions of any woman out there.’
Other Women
Francine Prose
‘Feminism is as basic to my sense of self as the fact that I have brown eyes.’
Un-Possible Retour
Téa Obreht & Clarisse d'Arcimoles
‘It confirms my belief that the universal exists in particularity.’
Black Against the Sky, the Giant Mothers
Selima Hill
‘Black against the sky the giant mothers / are whispering together in the moonlight’
Bad Women, Good Feminists?
Damian Barr
‘I was told I was not a feminist and never could be, because I was a man.’
To the Lighthouse
Helen Dunmore
‘There are novels which have an almost uncanny power to renew themselves in the reader’s imagination.’
Night Thoughts
Marie-Margaux Tsakiri-Scanatovits
Marie-Margaux Tsakiri-Scanatovits responds to Helen Simpson’s ‘Night Thoughts’ in Granta 115: The F Word.
Urvashi Butalia | Interview
Urvashi Butalia & Saskia Vogel
‘Feminist movements everywhere in the world are born of the particular political and economic realities of the places where they exist.’
Postcards | New Voices
Soumaya Battacharya, Hannah Gersen & Evan James Roskos
Granta catches up with three writers featured in the New Voices series: Soumaya Battacharya, Hannah Gersen and Evan James Roskos.
Biram Mboob
‘He was conscious of something that had been growing in him as he walked here alone on Rimroad: some dark unreasoning paranoia.’
In the village of the mothers
Vénus Khoury-Ghata
‘The wells are kept for the use of the dead who splash the / walls with their silence.’
Why A Colored Girl Will Slice You If You Talk Wrong About Motown
Patricia Smith
‘Their newborn children grew / like streetlights. We grew like insurance payments. / We grew like resentment.’
New Voices: Postcards
Billy Kahora, Jessica Soffer & Evie Wyld
Granta catches up with three authors featured in the New Voices series.
Jaime Karnes | Interview
Jaime Karnes & Ollie Brock
‘I began telling stories as a child – a way to guarantee invitation to sleepover parties.’
Here Comes the Sun | New Voices
Jaime Karnes
‘It’s more love than anyone has ever felt, I’m sure. I have an urge to donate it to children in Africa, or give it to the girl that works the kiosk in the mall. I’ll give it to a lonely continent.’
In Shinjuku
Yang Sok-il
‘I found myself sitting on a bench in Shinjuku Central Park, dazed like a junkie, when the wind plastered a sports tabloid to my legs and an advertisement jumped out at me‘
Selling Your First Soul
Kseniya Melnik
‘The Russia of my memories was largely imaginary – a cauldron of nostalgia-tinted material, which I calibrated with scrupulous research.’
Ben Okri | Interview
Ben Okri & Saskia Vogel
‘Whenever we use the word beauty or we feel it, it comes from a sense of something indefinable.’
Kevin Brockmeier | Interview
Kevin Brockmeier & Yuka Igarashi
‘The great big real world of sensations and objects and other people’s minds is already deeply strange, but sometimes it takes a change of perspective for us to see it clearly.’
Like We Are
Binnie Kirshenbaum
‘My father can speak just fine. Nonetheless, he does not speak to me; nor I to him.’
Leo Mellor
‘A rustle in the bracken; then, almost immediately, a snout and some wiry black hair.’
Madison Smartt Bell | Interview
Madison Smartt Bell & Ollie Brock
‘A lot of my stories are like lint in your pocket.’
Rabbit Cycling
Madison Smartt Bell
‘He’d lost her first name in a burst of senseless coloured lights and he couldn’t tell her his own name because he didn’t know it.’
Jennifer Egan | Interview
Jennifer Egan & Yuka Igarashi
‘It wasn’t an experiment so much as a response to the need to find a way to embody the oddly shaped story I wanted to tell.’
On Riker’s Island
David McConnell
‘A lifelong backlog of unimparted knowledge must corrode the flesh.’