Tomb Song | Julián Herbert | Granta

Tomb Song

Julián Herbert

Translated by Christina MacSweeney

‘Those who have been rejected come out with tears in their eyes, ashamed, folding the piece of paper with diagrams explaining why their blood isn’t right for the sacrifice.’

Julián Herbert

Julián Herbert was born in Acapulco, Mexico. His works include several poetry collections, along with the novels Un mundo infiel (An Unfaithful World) and La casa del dolor ajeno (The House of the Pain of Others). His work has garnered numerous prizes, including the Gilberto Owen Poetry Prize and the Juan José Arreola Short Story award. 'Users Manual' is taken from the story collection Cocaina: Manual del Usuario (Cocaine: A User's Manual).    

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Translated by Christina MacSweeney

Christina MacSweeney’s work has been recognised in a number of important awards, and her translation of Valeria Luiselli’s The Story of My Teeth was awarded the Valle Inclán Translation Prize and also shortlisted for the Dublin Literary Award. Her most recent translations include works by Daniel Saldaña París, Elvira Navarro, Verónica Gerber Bicecci, Julián Herbert, and Karla Suárez.

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