The Temple in Budapest | Giorgio and Nicola Pressburger | Granta Magazine

The Temple in Budapest

Nicola Pressburger & Giorgio Pressburger

Translated by Gerald Moore

‘Like the exterminating angel the rabbi appeared among us.’

Nicola Pressburger

Nicola Pressburger was born in Budapest in 1937. ‘The Temple of Budapest’ (Granta 32) was included in a collection of stories entitled Homage to the Eighth District that was published by Readers International in 1990. He died in 1985.

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Giorgio Pressburger

Giorgio Pressburger (1937–2017) was born in Budapest and lived in Italy from 1965. He wrote novels and short stories, and worked as a film and theatre director. He received several prizes for this work, including the Italy Prize in 1972, 1975 and 1988, and was awarded a musical prize in Hungary in 1975.

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Translated by Gerald Moore

Gerald Moore lives in Italy. He is a translator and scholar who works on African anglophone and francophone poetry. He co-edited the Penguin Book of Modern African Poetry.

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