Lucy Greaves
Lucy Greaves is a literary translator and bike mechanic who lives in Bristol, UK. They hold an MA in Literary Translation from the University of East Anglia and won the 2013 Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize. Their co-translation of Gabriela Wiener’s Sexographies is published by Restless Books.
Lucy Greaves on
Issue 155
Lost Children
Irene Reyes-Noguerol
‘The Girls sees. The Girl hears. The Girl says nothing.’
Fiction by Irene Reyes-Noguerol.
Fiction | Issue 155
Eyes That Have Seen the Sea
Tomás González
‘He had just finished unpacking his rucksack, new only ten days ago and now a sodden, salty, decomposing rag, when they called him.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 155
Daniel Gascón
‘It would’ve been a magical moment if my neighbours hadn’t started fucking at that very second.’