Lost Children | Irene Reyes-Noguerol | Granta

Lost Children

Irene Reyes-Noguerol

Translated by Lucy Greaves

Irene Reyes-Noguerol

Irene Reyes-Noguerol (1997) was born in Seville, Spain. She is the recipient of the Tigre Juan YoungWriters’ Award, the Brocense Award and the Camilo José Cela Award. She is the author of two collections of stories, Caleidoscopios and De Homero y otros dioses.

Photograph courtesy of the author

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Translated by Lucy Greaves

Lucy Greaves is a literary translator and bike mechanic who lives in Bristol, UK. They hold an MA in Literary Translation from the University of East Anglia and won the 2013 Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize. Their co-translation of Gabriela Wiener’s Sexographies is published by Restless Books.

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