Joe Sacco’s books include The Fixer and Palestine. A longer version of ‘In the Milk Factory’, which was published in Granta 89, appeared in I Live Here, an anthology about refugees published in 2006 as a benefit for Amnesty International.
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‘Bolshevism, like most millenarian movements, proved a one-generation phenomenon.’
Yuri Slezkine on Soviet history and the generational arc of revolution.
‘Into the carrot-coloured bag, alongside my clothes, I put the box with Mama’s urn.’
An excerpt from Oksana Vasyakina’s Wound, translated from the Russian by Elina Alter.
‘There was very little I could do in life except get dressed, smoke the correct cigarettes.’
An extract from Nothing Special by Nicole Flattery.
‘I’ve loved experiencing the page as a map, as something to be wandered across.’
Lee Lai on the function of page and panel in comics.
Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to human rights organisation Memorial.
‘At eight I was interested in fishing, reading and the diligent scavengering of fabulous pieces of glass and metal and, sometimes, wood.’
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