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Missing Out

Leila Aboulela

‘She had held the day up with pegs; not only her day but his too.’

Fiction by Leila Aboulela.

Dyke Bridge

Peter Orner

‘My brother and I in the knee-deep water, standing in the tidal current, under Dyke Bridge.’

The Last Thing We Need

Claire Vaye Watkins

‘I think there will be lightning tonight; the air has that feel.’


Elizabeth McCracken

‘The weight of the bag was like the stones in a suicide’s pocket.’

In Goats’ Eyes is the Sky Blue?

Natsuo Kirino

‘The people locked up in Administrative Camp 16 weren’t allowed clocks. In fact there wasn’t a single clock to be found, even in communal areas.’

The Unwriteable

Mark Doty

‘When I was seventeen, a freshman in college living in my parents’ house, I met Ruth at a poetry reading.’

The Redhead

Roberto Bolaño

‘Only the inventors survive.’

Tokyo Island

Natsuo Kirino

‘The lottery to choose her next husband was to take place at the Imperial Palace.’


Herta Müller

‘This Zeppelin may not float high and silver in the sky, but it does set your mind adrift.’

This is for You

Emmanuel Carrère

‘I have a proposition for you. From this moment on, you will do everything I tell you to do.’

The Agony of Intimacy

Jeanette Winterson

‘We all knew that about the gods – that they were total sex.’

A Religious Conversation

Orhan Pamuk

‘"Hello, sir. Do you recognize me?" "No, I'm afraid I don't."’

Eight Pieces for the Left Hand

J. Robert Lennon

‘Autumn, once the most popular season in this town of tall trees, is now regarded with dread, thanks to the bitter athletic rivalry between our two local high schools.’