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Soon and in Our Days
Naomi Alderman
‘It is not often, even in Hendon, that one witnesses a miracle.’
Nadifa Mohamed
‘Silence takes the place of all these words and her loneliness remains as dense and close as a shadow.’
After the Hedland
Evie Wyld
‘I feel the pull of being alone, of answering to no one, the safety of being unknown and far away.’
Taiye Selasi
‘I am the full-time driver here. I am not going to kill my employers. I have read that drivers do that now.’
Slow Motion
Adam Thirlwell
‘It really wasn’t normal for me to wake up and not know how I got there. A normal pastime for me was to be intent on mathematical problems, or models of voting patterns in different democratic states.’
A World Intact
Adam Foulds
‘His life, unexciting as it may have been so far, was still a detailed, complicated thing.’
You Don’t Have To Live Like This
Benjamin Markovits
‘It felt like everything that had happened to me in college, everything I had learned to be comfortable with, had produced this jerk standing naked in the water, splashing his best friend’s girlfriend in the chest.’
Joanna Kavenna
‘She was living as herself, in herself, without ever thinking about what that meant.’
Just Right
Zadie Smith
‘There’s no romance in that child whatsoever. No clue of the magic of storytelling. I’ll bet you a dollar she wears a girdle already.’