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On Vulnerability
Katherine Angel
‘Is anyone an authority on themselves, whether on their sexuality or anything else?’
An excerpt from Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again.
Two Poems
Wendy Xu
‘Somewhere in America a white boss / in a dandelion dress-shirt is raising / his voice again’
Fat Bodies
Forsyth Harmon
‘Justine was at my lab table, pulling at the ends of her black bob, shoving her hair into her mouth.’
An excerpt from Justine, out with Tin House Books.
In Conversation
Madeleine Watts & Lucie Elven
‘The moments of relief in this awful year that will stick with me are roaming around at strange hours, walking in the middle of the road.’
Sigrid Rausing
‘Perhaps in isolation a new form of communication is emerging, expressing what readers and writers have always told one another, via books and letters and on the literary stage: I hear you. You are not alone.’
Eva Baltasar
‘This never made sense to Roxanne, whose whole life was a treat.’
Translated from the Catalan by Julia Sanches.
I’ve Been Away for a While
Dan Shurley
‘When the world releases him from its oily grip will there still be a world?’
The Stinky Ocean
Ian Jack
‘It was a peculiar, alopecic landscape of hummocks and gullies, with patches of grass growing on what looked like white earth, and rarely a soul to be seen.’
In Bright Light
Paul Dalla Rosa
‘The hard thing, as Alice saw it, was that something bad had happened to her and it was private and then it wasn’t.’