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Saba Sams

‘I followed him onto the dancefloor and he put his hands on my hips as if he’d known me for at least an hour.’

Fiction by Saba Sams.

The Termite Queen

Olivia Sudjic

‘It dawned on her, the fact sliding ice-cold into her body; now that she had crossed the border into her forties, Alma herself was no longer eligible for the scheme.’

An excerpt from Olivia Sudjic’s third novel.

The Weeds

Katy Simpson Smith

‘The stone is cold; touching a leaf is like touching skin.’

A botanist’s assistant longs for her lover in this extract from The Weeds.

Animals After Dark

Avigayl Sharp

‘I was not a strong mayor. I was an email. I was a little bit high.’

A short story by Avigayl Sharp.


Dorothy Tse

‘Here one minute, gone the next.’An extract from Owlish by Dorothy Tse, translated by Natascha Bruce.

What You Need From the Night

Laurent Petitmangin

‘Fus was twenty-five, he wasn’t a kid. What was he doing hanging out with fascists?’

An excerpt from What You Need From the Night. Translated from the French by Shaun Whiteside.


Dizz Tate

‘It was a Saturday and we had nothing to do like every other day of our lives.’

An extract from Brutes by Dizz Tate.

The Durhams

Ben Pester

‘We have this space and we have permission to summon each other into it. Sibspace.’

Fiction by Ben Pester.

Betwixt and Betwin

Taiye Selasi

‘There has to be sameness if you are twins. If there isn’t it has to be invented.’

Taiye Selasi on trying to escape from twinhood.

Middle Ground

Georgina Parfitt

‘At school, the primroses were coming out. Brighton was eleven, and every day now there was something new emerging.’

A story by Georgina Parfitt.

Kick the Latch

Kathryn Scanlan

‘You live at the track, your life is full.’

An excerpt from Kathryn Scanlan’s new work of fiction, Kick the Latch.


Giada Scodellaro

‘Next door to the diner was the barbershop with its wood paneling and its poster of men.’

An excerpt from Giada Scodellaro’s debut short story collection.


Dizz Tate

‘There sat the joy of the shopping centre, what I thought of as its secret heart. A white rabbit.’

A short story by Dizz Tate.

Scattered All Over the Earth

Yoko Tawada

‘You don’t understand. The country where I used to live is now gone.’