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Is Fraid I Fraid Calendars

Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo

‘Haven’t you noticed people / are different since then?’

The Price You See Reflects the Poor Quality of the Item and Your Lack of Desire for It

Melissa Lee-Houghton

‘I walk away from you / without glancing back, in case you see in me something I don’t.’

The Heart Compared to a Seed, c.1508 (after Leonardo da Vinci)

Sylvia Legris

‘noce, the heart—the nut that gestates the tree of veins.’

Black Rot and Mildew

Leontia Flynn

‘a look I’d managed to accessorize / with raw dermatological distress.’

I Used to Go for Long Walks in the Evenings

Stephen Sexton

‘My celebrity accumulated like a kidney stone: / children, pets, even some corvids recognised me’

Inside the house

Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin

‘the bell / was ringing from the chapel, they were there / expecting her.’


Leontia Flynn

‘The opposite of simply sitting about / in your head, like an egg in eggshell.’

Drama Lessons for Young Girls

Tara Bergin

‘So the young girls, / cast as naughty young girls from the Acropolis, / left – / just with some things missing.’

The Butcher

Stephen Sexton

‘Outside deer are nowhere to be seen and inside / the radio spectrum fills up with sorrowful little packets of data.’

Sonnet 3

Rae Armantrout

‘Your dad told me to tell you / how good you look to him right now.’ Rae Armantrout revisits Shakespeare’s sonnet 3.

Two Poems

Sandra Simonds

‘Police brutality makes me want to starve / myself to death and loneliness / is a drag’

In the Third Person

Daniel Poppick

‘Over an exit, and deeply dreaming / A guard brutally splayed’

Two Poems

Astrid Alben

‘High up in atmosphere, vertigo intact inside Vodka & Lime’

Civilization Spurns the Leopard

Solmaz Sharif

‘To step out of my door and hope to see something like a life, something passably me.’