Granta | The Home of New Writing


Prozac Culture

Brian Dillon

Brian Dillon on the Prozac craze of the 90s, and his experience taking the infamous antidepressant.

Two Poems

Anne Michaels

‘I told you how the bison woke / the earth / I knew you were listening’

Yaa Gyasi | Granta’s Best of Young American Novelists

Yaa Gyasi & Luke Neima

‘Place is something I'm fascinated by and how it shapes you in ways that are really hard to see and imagine’

Getting Away With It

Timothy Phillips

A case of Russian espionage from Tim Phillips' book The Secret Twenties: British Intelligence, the Russians, and the Jazz Age.

Jillian Weise | Five Things Right Now

Jillian Weise

Jillian Weise is a poet, performance artist and disability rights activist. She shares five things she’s reading, watching and thinking about right now.


Kjersti Skomsvold

‘Waking is now worse than falling asleep, I didn’t think that was possible.’ Translated from the Norwegian by Becky L. Crook.

Two Poems

Dara Wier

‘here we come / with our living // fruit baskets and / soon to wilt white flowers’

The Survivals of Lafcadio Hearn

Kenny Fries

‘Did Hearn feel comfortable in Japan because being a foreigner overshadowed his physical difference?’

Stillness | State of Mind

Eoghan Walls

‘It is half twelve and I am labouring over the word Stillen. My laptop is open on the coffee table, pushed up against baby wipes and a row of empties.’


Geeta Tewari

‘Your virginity guarantees your happiness, my mother had explained numerous times.’ New fiction from Geeta Tewari.

Out of the Cell

Pico Iyer

‘I was inside a silence that was not an absence of noise so much as the living presence of everything I habitually walked – or sleep-walked – past.’