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The Deadman’s Pedal

Alan Warner

‘Each man’s right hand was stained black with glossy wet muck.’


Lucy Wood

‘He was stamped darkly onto the wide stretch of sea like a single footprint.’


Joy Williams

‘You’re the low-hanging fruit.’

A Lovely and Terrible Thing

Chris Womersley

‘For a moment I could not speak. I looked off into the bleak distance, then at this man, and there was something about the sad shake of his head and the way his hair flapped about on his scalp that filled me with unreasonable warmth.’


Carlos Yushimito

‘I thought I’d found the answer to many of life’s mysteries, but I had no words to share with the world.’

Ways of Going Home

Alejandro Zambra

‘It was hard for me to understand how someone could live alone.’

The Last Thing We Need

Claire Vaye Watkins

‘I think there will be lightning tonight; the air has that feel.’

The Agony of Intimacy

Jeanette Winterson

‘We all knew that about the gods – that they were total sex.’


Brad Watson

‘The mother told the boys that she was much unappreciated in this house.’

A Child’s Book of Death and Dying

Abraham Verghese

‘A fine morning mist had rolled down over Addis Ababa from the Entoto mountains, leaving a sheen on the lawn between the apartment buildings'.

The Assassin

Henk van Woerden

‘On 11 February 1955 a man could be seen wandering about the streets of Hamburg ’.


Richard Williams

‘The interim report filed by the investigator from the coroner's bureau listed him as a black male, 5ft 7in tall, weighing 1351b‘.

Something Close to Heaven

Evie Wyld

‘It was just past nine when the fuel ran out.’

Tree Thieves

Josh Weil

‘The jungle was all stillness, time kept only by the markings of his breath.’