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Fertile Soil

Katerina Gibson

Winner of the Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for the Pacific region.

Fourteen and After

Nick Hornby

‘We were fourteen and had recently discovered irony.’

Fox Deceived | New Voices

Hannah Gersen

‘Sandra was stuck at the traffic lights where route forty hit the turnpike. She was thinking about strawberries.’


Rafael Frumkin

New fiction from Rafael Frumkin, featuring psychiatrists brandishing DSM–5, delusions, transference and the menacing voice of Alex Trebek.


Brian Hart

‘The road pleasantly gained and lost elevation, flood gauges in dry washes and scraggy hilltops, corners that begged for two wheels not four.’


Adam Foulds

‘It was unmistakable, he said; it was absolutely him.’

Fiction by Adam Foulds.


Pablo Gutiérrez

‘There’s no finding a telephone booth with anything more than an amputated cable hanging like a terrible extremity.’

Glimpses of a totally different system

William Ghosh

‘This old circuit, which had been partly dormant, connected to an earlier memory. It was warm and fizzy and sharp. Then he stepped away, and the current was broken.’

Great Falls

Richard Ford

‘This is not a happy story. I warn you.’


Ruth Gershon

Can you still find this day, Habibi, among your possessions?’.

Happy Hour

Denis Johnson

The day was ending in a fiery and glorious way. The ships on the Sound looked like paper silhouettes being sucked up into the sun.

Hard Core

Gabe Hudson

‘My buddy Meat’s the one who showed me the true joy of handling the M203.’

Gabe Hudson in Granta 97: Best of Young American Novelists 2.

He Cleans

Valeria Gordeev

‘He cleans. Cleans the sink, cleans the plughole, takes out the sink strainer and cleans the underside.’

Fiction by Valeria Gordeev, translated by Imogen Taylor.


Alan Hollinghurst

‘Surely we’re not going to Rome for discos.’