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Sheila Rowbotham

‘Lance worked as a mining engineer near Calcutta for twelve years under the British Raj, with the nationalist movement rumbling threateningly on the outskirts of their world of colonial privilege.’

The End of the Discussion

Patrick Ryan

‘I just never thought I’d see the day when Amtrak would start poisoning people.’

Downton Delirium

Francine Prose

‘Anglophilia is constantly thrumming on, or just under, the surface of our culture.’

Making an Elephant

Graham Swift

‘The death of a father is, in most cases, an inevitable passage of life.’

A Preface to A.H.

Tony Tanner

‘Words can move mountains, but also Nuremberg rallies.’

Subject+Object: The fount of all smoky wisdom

Will Self

‘To explain what I now feel for the pipe I must paraphrase the writer Robert Stone’s remarks on hard drugs: I admire it from afar.’

The End of the Provinces

Jeremy Seabrook

‘If provincial life still exists, it does so only residually and is doomed to eventual extinction.’


Bella Pollen

‘The brain is a bureaucratic organ with an almost neurotic determination to balance its books. To account to the department of logic for terror, it calls on the office of imagination to conjure up a worthy vision.’

Teenage Wastelands

Jim Ruland

‘It took me seven years of marriage to figure out that my wife is a hardcore Pearl Jam fan.’

Ants of Accra

Nii Ayikwei Parkes

‘Ants became an obsession with her – she darted with them as they changed paths, watched them find their way around obstacles placed in their way.’

Why Chicago?

Ingo Schulze

‘This is the city with big shoulders. That’s Chicago for you.’

Unspeakable Rituals

Paul Theroux

‘Whenever people ask me about travel I always suspect they are buttonholing me, eager to relate amazing adventures of their own’.

Reflections on Exile

Edward W. Said

‘Exiles feel, therefore, an urgent need to reconstitute their broken lives, usually by choosing to see themselves as part of a triumphant ideology or a restored people.’

The Problem Outside

Linda Polman

‘About 150,000 refugees, standing shoulder to shoulder on a mountain plateau the size of three football fields.’