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Paul Eggers

'Mr Thanh, originally of Saigon, conducted his camp-wide rat pogrom so thoroughly that the kids were reduced to throwing rocks at each other.'

Inside Intelligence

Anthony Cavendish

‘Good heavens, old boy! It isn't the Russians we worry about; it's the British public that we don't want to know about it.’

Under Ice

Iain Banks

‘Andy runs out across the ice.‘

It Don’t Mean a Thing

Paul Auster

‘The single inhabitant of an asteroid that orbits around a tertiary moon of Pluto, visible only through the strongest telescope.’

Trouble at the Waterworks

Edward Blishen

‘Old age is a sustained process of injury. You are being very distinctly shot at.’

Thing with Feathers that Perches in the Soul

Anthony Doerr

‘It has to be love, doesn’t it? In however many of its infinite permutations?’


James Buchan

‘I see in an instant what has brought people to the valley for four centuries.’

Undoing the folded lie: Poetry after 9/11

Rachael Allen

‘The real feeling of a day that changed everything forever is boiled down so incessantly, and so often, to cliché.’

Naomi Alderman | My Writing Playlist

Naomi Alderman

Naomi Alderman shares five songs she loves to write to.

Against Travel Writing

Robyn Davidson

’Shortly after its publication in 1980 I was surprised to learn that I had written a travel book’.

Letter from Greece

Meaghan Delahunt

‘The only thing between Greece and total collapse is the Greek family.’


Urvashi Butalia

‘Stories are all that people have, stories that rarely breach the frontiers of family and religious community’

The Tailor of Gujarat

Amit Chaudhuri

‘He was desperate for the photograph to cease to exist: as if the man in the photo and he are competing for the same oxygen.’

Kiss Daddy!

John Borneman

‘The whole family giggles and I am standing there, holding his father’s hand, looking into his eyes, hesitating. Time seems to slow down.’