Granta | The Home of New Writing


Acts of Infidelity

Lena Andersson

‘Anticipation made it difficult for Ester to swallow.’ Translated from the Swedish by Saskia Vogel.

Snow Job

Brian Allen Carr

‘I like to think the ones who are worst at coloring will remember me the longest.’

Mall Camp, Seasons 1 & 2

Joshua Cohen

‘He was thirteen years old or just about and newly an only child. Newly not a child.’

Karl Kraus and Veza

Elias Canetti

‘It was natural that the rumors about both these people should reach me at the same time; they came from the same source, from which everything new for me came at that time.’

Carys Davies | Notes on Craft

Carys Davies

‘All good stories are both resonant and concrete; they live in the mind of the reader and reverberate beyond the pages of the book.’

Rosses Point

John Connell

‘I’m going to die out here he thought, I’m going to die trying to save this beast in front of my boy.’


Rachel Cusk

An extract from Kudos, the final novel in Rachel Cusk’s trilogy, following Outline and Transit.

Who Killed Tolstoy?

Elif Batuman

‘I walked along the birch-lined alleys of Yasnaya Polyana, looking for clues. Snakes were swimming in the pond, making a rippling pattern. Everything here was a museum.’

Danny Denton | Notes on Craft

Danny Denton

‘My tuppence on craft is this: as a writer, you must give your reader space to experience the world of your story (whatever form it takes)’

It’s Only Skin

Lily Dunn

‘I knew what it was to be an object of desire, and to be submissive.’ Lily Dunn on being a painter's model as a girl.


David Chariandy

An excerpt from David Chariandy's novel Brother

The Infinite Goldfish

Sara Baume

In the beginning, there was the goldfish.

The Agony and Ecstasy of Escape

Will Boast

Will Boast on how Bernini's Apollo and Daphne helped him write his latest novel

The Taxidermy Museum

Steven Dunn

‘Even dying is an attempt to approach life. That’s how I perceive taxidermy.’