Granta | The Home of New Writing


Daughter of Radium

Joe Dunthorne

‘As a child, my grandmother brushed her teeth every day with radioactive toothpaste.’

How Things End

Ann Beattie

‘As I began to flip through a literary magazine, I was stopped by a photograph of myself as a young girl, standing beside my college professor.’

Burnt Sugar

Avni Doshi

‘I would be lying if I said my mother’s misery has never given me pleasure.’

Peak Spader

Ken Babstock

‘Love how unseen / we remain stood undressed in his field of vision.’


Colwill Brown

‘They’d practiced it ont bus into town: to mek sure Kel gorrin, they’d go past bouncer together, talking reyt loud about periods, so he wouldn’t even bother asking Kel her date of birth.’


Jeffery Renard Allen

‘It would be many years before I understood that around my mother’s sober acceptance of the status quo was a whole culture she had developed for our subsistence and well-being.’

Whatever Happened to Queer Happiness?

Kevin Brazil

‘You never can wholly control the things you cling to. But you can figure out what has made you the surface you are.’

This Happy

Niamh Campbell

‘How does a person waste her twenties like that? The answer of course being easily indeed. As easy as can be.’

Notes on Craft

Naoise Dolan

‘If something is usually done in novels, but I can’t actively justify doing it, then I don’t do it.’


Magalí Etchebarne

‘A man, my mother once told me, is a small animal that looks immense.’

On the Extremest Verge

Mark Doty

Mark Doty on the sly wit and visionary luminosity of Walt Whitman.

Thrive: A Lyric Sequence

Jill Bialosky

‘Sometimes we could not see / anything before us. That’s what it / required.’

The Paternoster: A Requiem

Mark Blacklock

‘To step into a paternoster lift is to step into the circulatory system of a building, to become a part of its very structure.’

Carrot Bread

Annabel Banks

‘A short story is a loose-knit sweater, a trawler’s net, where the spaces and holes are inseparable from the whole.’