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and the earth drank deep

Ntsika Kota

Ntsika Kota is the winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Short Story Prize for Africa.

The Last Diver on Earth

Sofia Mariah Ma

Winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for Asia.


Guadalupe Nettel

‘It is easy, when we are young, to have ideals and to live according to them.’

An excerpt from Guadalupe Nettel’s Still Born.


Ralf Webb

‘I sensed that as she listened she looked right through my skull and saw the cringing figure living there, the figure that keeps guard over all my secret strategies and disguises.’

New fiction from Ralf Webb.

A Hat for Lemer

Cecil Browne

Winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for Canada and Europe.

Dogs of Summer

Andrea Abreu

‘There was no one around that day, so we decided to put on our bikini tops for the first time.’

An extract from Andrea Abreu’s debut novel. Translated from the Spanish by Julia Sanches.

Bridge Over the Yallahs River

Diana McCaulay

Winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for the Caribbean region.

Scream Queen

Julia Armfield

‘She is well-behaved, as icons go, she toes the party line.’

Short fiction by the author of Our Wives Under the Sea.

Welcome to the New World

Jessi Jezewska Stevens

New fiction from Jessi Jezewska Stevens. ‘Debt is the molten bedrock upon which all else shifts.’

The Nightwatch

Mary Rokonadravu

Winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for the Pacific region.

We Had to Remove This Post

Hanna Bervoets

‘A video of someone flinging their cat out the window is only allowed if cruelty is not a motive’. An excerpt from the new novel by Hanna Bervoets.

Acts of Service

Lillian Fishman

‘I had hundreds of nudes stored in my phone, but I’d never sent them to anyone.’

An excerpt from Lillian Fishman’s new novel.


Adam Foulds

‘It was unmistakable, he said; it was absolutely him.’

Fiction by Adam Foulds.

National Dress

Rebecca Sollom

‘That smile the President has – it was just the same then as it is now.’

Fiction by Rebecca Sollom.