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Susan Swan

‘It was Tom’s contention that you could spot a slut by the colour of her complexion.’

Eternal Love

Karen E. Bender

‘After Lena and Bob were married in the Chapel of Eternal Love, Ella told them that new husbands and wives were not allowed to share a hotel bedroom.’


Sherman Alexie

‘Anonymous cries up and down the hallways. Linoleum floors swabbed with gray water. Mop smelling like old sex.’

Looking for the General

Madison Smartt Bell

‘Midday, and the sun thrummed from the height of its arc so that the lizard seemed to cast no shadow.’

Orno and Marshall

Ethan Canin

‘Marshall was unlike anyone Orno had ever met before. He was able to converse with Mr and Mrs Pboson as though he was of their own generation.’

The Revenant

Edwidge Danticat

‘Doctor Berto came with a new stethoscope to check Victoria’s heart. He was shocked to learn that she had died.’

Burning Mary

Tom Drury

‘Paul Emmons was a college student with no money behind him and none in front and so he seemed immune from trouble.’

Birthday Boy

Tony Earley

‘During the night something like a miracle happened: Jim's age grew an extra digit.’

The Speed of Sperm

Jeffrey Eugenides

‘I was born twice: once, as a baby girl, at 4.53 a.m. on a remarkably unpolluted Detroit day in 1960; and then again, as a teenage boy, in the offices of our family physician, Dr Arnold Philobosian, in 1976.’

How He Came to be Nowhere

Jonathan Franzen

‘Andy said no, he wasn't arrogant about his victory.’


David Guterson

‘He remembered the new, fresh, orchard country of his youth and the rows of apple trees his father had planted on the east bank of the Columbia River.’

Something Called Crab Deluxe

David Haynes

‘So on Saturday morning I arose like Venus from the sea.’

Slips of Love

Allen Kurzweil

‘He gripped a paint roller in one hand, a bucket in the other, and was covering the month's graffiti with gray latex.’

The Giant of Cape Cod

Elizabeth McCracken

‘People think they’re interesting. That’s their first mistake.’