Granta | The Home of New Writing

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The Stone-Thrower from Eisenhuttenstadt

Max Thomas Mehr & Regine Sylvester

‘It has nothing to do with the question of the foreigners. No one in Eisenhuttenstadt wants the foreigners here.’

Letters from One Young Poet to Another

Caleb Klaces & Soledad Marambio

‘I do like to think of my poems as messages.’

Zadie Smith | Interview

Zadie Smith & Ted Hodgkinson

Zadie Smith on writing tighter sentences, the ‘essential hubris’ of criticism and why novelists prefer writing in their pyjamas.

Justin Torres | Interview

Justin Torres & Jennifer de Leon

‘I wanted to write a book about a family so complicated, so in love, and so flawed, that folks would resist easy categories.’

Letters From Two Exit Strategists

Jacob Newberry & Vanessa Manko

‘I feel like I’ll spend a great many years unravelling whatever is being stored inside of me just now.’

Interviews of the Boys from the War

Daniel Kon

‘But you had to be on the islands to know what it was really all about.’

Ben Markovits | Podcast

Benjamin Markovits & Yuka Igarashi

Ben Markovits in conversation with Yuka Igarashi on minor-league baseball and his experiences as a writer.

Moscow Women

Carola Hansson & Karin Lidén

‘She’s young, then suddenly she’s old, and she’s buried without knowing why she ever lived.’

The Game of Evenings

Adolf Hoffmeister & James Joyce

For Bloomsday, James Joyce and Adolf Hoffmeister argue about a Czech translation of Finnegans Wake in a rare and intimate interview from 1930.

International Prize for Arabic Fiction | Podcast

Saud Alsanousi & Ellah Alfrey

On Tuesday 23 April, in Abu Dhabi, Saud Alsanousi was announced winner of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction.

Julie Klam | Interview

Julie Klam & Marian Brown

‘I’m successful? I can’t wait to call my mother!’

Ian Teh | Interview

Ian Teh & Ted Hodgkinson

‘The pictures I take are fly-on-the-wall and open to interpretation.’

Lindsey Hilsum | Podcast

Lindsey Hilsum & Rachael Allen

Lindsey Hilsum on Libya, her time in Rwanda and how countries can repair in the aftermath of war.