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God Bless You, 2011

Hiromi Kawakami

‘If the god of uranium really exists, then what must he be thinking? Were this a fairy tale of old, what would happen when humans broke the laws of nature to turn gods into minions?’ Hiromi Kawakami on the nature gods of Japan.

The Great Wall

Ismail Kadaré

‘What China loses by the sword it retakes by silk.’

The War Artist

Margaret Luongo

‘On the third day, the little rosebud teacups rattled in their saucers as the war artist poured the coffee.’

Two Girls in a Boat

Emma Martin

‘This was a tiredness that caused Hannah to walk into a travel agent in Clapham High Street on a grey Tuesday morning and buy a ticket to New Zealand.’


Joyce Carol Oates

‘You won't know me, won't see my face. Unless you see my face. And then it will be too late.’

Room 536

A.L. Kennedy

‘The world cannot be as this is, I refuse to accept it.’

From Dream to Dream

Yiyun Li

‘At what point had one’s life stopped belonging to one?’


Ian McEwan

‘There were horrors enough, but it was the unexpected detail that threw him and afterwards would not let him go.’


Adam Mars-Jones

‘My African family doesn't have the money for photographs. My African family may never even have seen a photograph.’


Jamal Mahjoub

‘After about three days in Djenné the lizards begin to talk.’

Sticky Fingers

Arun Kolatkar

‘Selecting the right kind of a tomato was crucial for the scam to work.’

Soul and Body

Milan Kundera

‘What was screaming in fact was the naive idealism of her love trying to banish all contradictions, banish the duality of the body and soul, banish perhaps even time.’


Panos Karnezis

‘Whale arrived at work a little after seven with black circles round his eyes’.

Moscow, Idaho

Chris Offutt

‘Tilden stopped digging and wiped his sleeve across his forehead, leaving a brown smear on his skin.’