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Jorge Consiglio

‘A knock-off Conrad. He’d drive us to school in his car.’

Longshore Drift

Julia Armfield

‘She has never been very keen on the thought of herself as other people see her.’

Field Notes on a Marriage

Te-Ping Chen

‘I tell myself it doesn’t do to fixate too much on the dead: apart from everything else, they can’t answer you.’

Good Progress

Jem Calder

‘I released the picture of my mother’s breast, which resized itself to auto-fit my smartphone’s display.’


Gina Apostol

‘She does not go home for her mother's funeral because the prospect of return gives her insomnia. She splurges on a coat from Miu Miu instead.’

Go, Local Sports Team, Go!

Nicola Barker

‘This is his Toxic Super-Ego at work. Surely?’

The Wind That Lays Waste

Selva Almada

‘Leni’s last image of her mother is from the rear window of the car.’


Patrick Cottrell

‘It began with the ant farm in second grade.’


Lauren Aimee Curtis

‘There she is: Dolores. Newly named. Sitting at the kitchen table inside the convent, conscious of how bad she must smell.’

The Girls and the Dogs

Kevin Barry

‘Maurice turns left, turns right, to loosen out the kinks in his neck. Images slice through him.’


Robert Coover

Robert Coover envisions a Trumpian Hulk for a modern America.


Angela Carter

‘It sounded like the birth of tragedy.’

At Yankee Stadium

Don DeLillo

‘From a series of linked couples they become one continuous wave, larger all the time.’

The Dreadful Mucamas

Lydia Davis

‘We do not believe they are sincerely trying to please us.’