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Acts of Infidelity

Lena Andersson

‘Anticipation made it difficult for Ester to swallow.’ Translated from the Swedish by Saskia Vogel.

Snow Job

Brian Allen Carr

‘I like to think the ones who are worst at coloring will remember me the longest.’

Mall Camp, Seasons 1 & 2

Joshua Cohen

‘He was thirteen years old or just about and newly an only child. Newly not a child.’


Rachel Cusk

An extract from Kudos, the final novel in Rachel Cusk’s trilogy, following Outline and Transit.


David Chariandy

An excerpt from David Chariandy's novel Brother

The Taxidermy Museum

Steven Dunn

‘Even dying is an attempt to approach life. That’s how I perceive taxidermy.’

Our Lady of Mercy

André Alexis

‘I was engaged in a battle of politeness, those kindly – but ferocious – skirmishes that are so common in our country.’

The Martians Claim Canada

Margaret Atwood

‘Mushrooms have long memories. Some of them are thousands of years old. However, they are not always very talkative.’


Robert Coover

‘I am not now who or what I was when I wrote this. I change as you read. I am changing now.’ New fiction from Robert Coover.

The Scream

Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida

‘That supremacist is the idea, in those brothers and sisters of mine, of shyness (which no one understands) being an encumbrance that they should purge as they try to find in their interaction with the world a perfect mixture of disdain, meekness and expansiveness.’

Stuck Girls

Emma Copley Eisenberg

‘Nothing mesh, the friend who had gotten Tracy the Stuck Girls job told her. This isn’t porn. The guys pay just to watch a regular girl who happens to get stuck.’


Molly Antopol

‘Maybe you heard about the sticks of dynamite he set along military rail routes, waiting for them to spark and explode.’ New flash fiction from Molly Antopol

Flash at Home

Robert Coover

‘Flash Gordon, home from the terrible emptiness of space, has to make up stories for fear of worldwide despair.’

Fat Time

Jeffery Renard Allen

‘Six feet of man, muscled up perfect, game to the heart.’ New fiction from Jeffery Renard Allen.