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Film Diary

Hanif Kureishi

‘I shove the script of Sammy and Rosie Get Laid through Stephen Frears's letter box and run. He rings a few hours later: “This isn't an innocent act!”’

First Cut

Jonathan Kaplan

‘I grew up with the expectation that I would serve.’

First Sentence: Mary O’Donoghue

Mary O’Donoghue

‘It’s the small stuff – and here I mean the odd particulate matter of daily life – that lets me access the sprawl of a place that wasn’t mine but has incrementally become so.’

Forced Busing in South Africa

Joseph Lelyveld

‘In the other scene of black men in the dock, there had been fifty-six of them, wearing large numbered placards around their necks so they could be identified.’

Fragments of a Nation

Nadifa Mohamed

‘I became English by osmosis; a new sense of humour, altered manners, an alternative history filtering through my old skin.’

From Lab To Writing Desk

Primo Levi

‘I had not aimed for literary celebrity, and I felt at ease with myself for having done my civic duty as a witness, and felt relieved of the burden of slavery.’

Gandhi the Londoner

Sam Miller

‘On 29 September 1888, an Indian teenager with a mild case of ringworm and a fine head of hair sailed into the Thames Estuary.’ Sam Miller on Ghandi's time in London.

George Orwell: Diaries

George Orwell

‘A jagged stone skimming across ice makes exactly the same sound as a redshank whistling.’

Ghost Species

Robert Macfarlane

‘On a cold morning last January, I travelled out to the Norfolk Fens to see a ghost.’


Jennifer Kabat

Jennifer Kabat on the Anti-Rent War, one of the earliest moments of rural populism in the US, and something few know about outside the Catskill Mountains.

God and Me

Richard Mabey

‘It’s always been like this for me with spirituality. I catch a whiff of the numinous, and it turns visceral in a moment.’

God and Me

Andrew Martin

‘At the moment, I would say that depends what you mean by ‘believe’ and what you mean by “God”’

God and Me

Blake Morrison

‘My hopes weren’t high, even to begin with, so I felt no bitterness when He didn’t reveal Himself’

God and Me

Pankaj Mishra

‘I was unfortunate to know a Christianity so tainted by colonialism and racial distrust.’