Granta | The Home of New Writing


Bush House

Mirza Waheed

‘I first stepped into Bush House on a dreary November day in 2001. It was a trepid walk.’


Javier Zamora

‘I will etch visas on toilet paper and throw them from a lighthouse.’

Clara’s Parrot

Hebe Uhart

‘He laughs with a human laugh, a sinister and forceful cackle.’

Newly translated work from the Argentine writer Hebe Uhart.


Matt Young

An excerpt from Matt Young's memoir Eat The Apple, which explores his three deployments to Iraq as a member of the US Marine Corps.

Common Cyborg

Jillian Weise

‘I’m nervous at night when I take off my leg. I wait until the last moment before sleep to un-tech because I am a woman who lives alone’

Cricket in Samoa

Gavin Young

‘Balls flew towards the beach or into dense jungle. Enthusiastic young fielders tumbled head over heels in the morning glories. Village elders, large, heavy-breasted, critical men, lay in the shade on cushions discussing the course of play like contented sea lions on their favourite rocks.’

Cry of Machines

Kao Kalia Yang

‘Time cannot erase my memories of fear and shame.’


Joy Williams

‘Grief knows how to love them because we don’t know how to do it any more.’

Day of Awe

Diane Williams

New short fiction from Diane Williams' Collected Stories. ‘I fear I lack deep feelings, have flighty ideas, and am often irritable over trifles.’

Death by GPS

Salvatore Vitale

‘The old romantic warning not to trust a machine more than one’s own intuition has renewed urgency in the digital age.’

Photography by Salvatore Vitale, introduced by Granta.

Death is not here

Wouter Van de Voorde

Concerned with the uneasy boundary that emerged between life and death during the pandemic, Death is not here takes fossilisation and excavation as its theme.

Photography by Wouter Van de Voorde.

Diego Garcia

Simon Winchester

‘How do you persuade a thousand dogs to walk into a fire? How do you persuade them, as it were, to commit suttee?’


Jane Yeh

‘Her / Secrets play on continuous loop, // Like a B-movie.’


Ian Williams

‘The moment in childhood when one realizes that one is Black is profoundly disorienting.’