Granta | The Home of New Writing


Andrew O’Hagan | A London View

Andrew O'Hagan

‘I used to wake up next to Boadicea.’

Ange Mlinko | First Sentence

Ange Mlinko

‘I rediscovered the efficacy of meter (or the ‘contrast between fixity and flux’) when I was stuck in a shark tunnel with my kids and was afraid I was coming down with a panic attack.’


Michel Laub

‘I only stopped playing with him when he began biting the fingers of anyone who tried to pet him.’

Anlong Veng | Dispatches

Elena Lesley

‘There are no words to say how angry I am. I want to know why they killed their own people. I want answers.’

Anthony Marra | Granta’s Best of Young American Novelists

Anthony Marra

‘The terrain of literature is this space where you can pose these paradoxes of personal and political ethics’


Paul Murray

‘Here in space you don't often get the chance to meet women.’

Aphrodisiacs I Have Known

Norman Lewis

‘In the winter of 1957, I went to Liberia for the New Yorker.’


Jamie McKendrick

‘greener / for an alien crop of hogweed higher / than us’

Arithmetic Town

Todd McEwen

‘Free play is when you have fun instead of playing kickball.’


Albino Ochero-Okello

‘As I stood in front of the immigration officer, I was already worrying about my answers to the questions he might ask’.


Pankaj Mishra

‘Bollywood is part of what our culture has become. We are lying to ourselves all the time.’

At the Edge of Night

Friedo Lampe

An excerpt from Friedo Lampe’s At the Edge of Night, translated from the German by Simon Beattie.

At The Kitchen Table

Peter Orner

‘Your husband dies, you’re a widow. There’s almost joy in it. Why not scream it? Glory.’


Toby Litt

‘I began to think, for no particular reason, about what the exact series of events would be were I to die at that moment – before, even, my coffee went cold.’