Shaun Whiteside
Shaun Whiteside is a translator of French, Dutch, Italian and German literary works. He is the former Chair of the Translators Association of the Society of Authors and sits on the PEN Writers in Translation committee.
Shaun Whiteside on
Essays & Memoir | Issue 165
The Killing of a Berlin Power Broker
Peter Richter
‘Why does the centre of Berlin look like an abandoned shopping mall on the edge of Omaha?’
An essay from Peter Richter, translated by Shaun Whiteside.
Fiction | The Online Edition
What You Need From the Night
Laurent Petitmangin
‘Fus was twenty-five, he wasn’t a kid. What was he doing hanging out with fascists?’
An excerpt from What You Need From the Night. Translated from the French by Shaun Whiteside.
Essays & Memoir
The Online Edition
German Efficiency
Heinrich Böll
‘I hate the man who stood back to back with me for the hour-long journey from Düsseldorf to Cologne.’
In Conversation
The Online Edition
Love in Germany
Doris Dörrie
‘Does a married couple have to be faithful?’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 42
Monika Maron
‘Having expressed my unfair fury, I feel a need for balance.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 42
A Hippy Among Communists
Klaus Schlesinger
‘In March 1975, thirty years after the collapse of German fascism, N., a student from Berlin – bearded and long-haired – attended a series of lectures at a university on the Baltic coast.’
Essays & Memoir
Issue 42
The Press Officer
Alvaro Vargas Llosa
‘The threat of Fujimori was well hidden. There was nothing we could do: the die was cast.’