Laura Erber
Laura Erber was born in Rio de Janeiro, and is a visual artist and a writer of short stories, essays and poetry. Her four books of poetry include Os corpos e os dias (2008), which was shortlisted for the Jabuti Award. She has collaborated with Italian writer Federico Nicolao on the book Celia Misteriosa (2007) and with artist Laercio Redondo on the video project The Glass House (1999–2008), and has exhibited her work across Europe and Brazil. Her book on the Romanian theorist and poet Ghérasim Luca is forthcoming this December. Erber’s first novel, Os esquilos de Pavlov, was published in 2013.
Laura Erber on
Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition
Brazilian Writers Define Betrayal
Various Contributors
‘So that was betrayal: in a magical realm, assassins and elves were involved in a conspiracy to overthrow the king. Or something like that.’
Essays & Memoir | Issue 121
The Best Untranslated Writers
Laura Erber, Michel Laub & Ricardo Lísias
Three of Granta’s Best of Young Brazilian Novelists introduce Brazilian novelists whose work has not yet been widely translated.
Issue 121
That Wind Blowing through the Plaza
Laura Erber
‘I didn’t go for the dental treatment, or for the gypsy dancing’