Granta | The Home of New Writing

A Source

The Solution is Within

Évelyne Trouillot

‘How are we living? Every morning we wake up and wonder what happened last night.’

Évelyne Trouillot on the crisis in Haiti.

In Conversation

Juliet Jacques & Iphgenia Baal

‘I think people who ape the sentiments of others often go on to believe the thing they said. It becomes their opinion.’

Juliet Jacques and Iphgenia Baal discuss early digital cultures, precarity and social architecture.

Blood comedy

K Patrick

‘Stopping has become a mutual desire. The things we want to stop. Mostly sounds of other people.’

A poem by K Patrick.

The Premonition

Banana Yoshimoto

‘A sudden rustling in your chest. A premonition of understanding.’

Fiction by Banana Yoshimoto, translated by Asa Yoneda.


Devon Brody

‘It is a nice thing when we say to each other, I am as happy with you as I am when I am alone.’

A story by Devon Brody.

Vengeance is Mine

Marie NDiaye

‘I’m simply trying to do good, Sharon, in the way that I can.’

Fiction by Marie NDiaye, translated by Jordan Stump.

Sever Babylon

Fer Boyd

‘On this fine, hazy day, the eyes are hazel, the tongue long and spackled with a white coating.’

Fiction by Fer Boyd, winner of The Space Crone Prize.

Green Shade

E. De Zulueta

‘The jungle itself presents little threat to us, ground herbage is sparse, large predators are rare.’

Fiction by E. De Zulueta.

In Conversation

Amy Acre & Liz Berry

‘For a long time, it was shameful to admit you felt anything except bliss.’

Amy Acre and Liz Berry on motherhood.

Messages with the Supplicant

Nicolette Polek

‘On Good Friday, the priest in the livestream video stood inside the darkened sanctuary.’

Fiction by Nicolette Polek.

A Boat Ride to the Confluence of the Two Niles

Isma’il Kushkush

‘April 2022 marked my first visit to my ancestral homeland in seven years.’

Memoir by Isma’il Kushkush.

Two poems

Madeleine Stack

‘I won her with my grief first / a mess of steaming entrails, enticing / with its gloss.’

Two poems by Madeleine Stack.


Noel O’Regan

‘The opening day of the tour covered the Iveragh peninsula.’

A story by Noel O’Regan, author of Though the Bodies Fall.

Four Poems

Phoebe Power

‘They queue up to pass, lap / like waves beside her, to receive the darshan / from her one, black eye.’

Poetry by Phoebe Power.


Allen Bratton

‘He is an ancestor, he has had his son, he has lost possession of the world.’

Fiction by Allen Bratton.

In Conversation

Olivia Laing & M. John Harrison

‘Our imaginations are in service to the wrong ends.’

Olivia Laing and M. John Harrison on the commodification of the imagination.

Two Poems

Daniel D’Angelo

‘Joy, you know, is murky like melancholy.’

Poetry by Daniel D’Angelo.

Two Poems

Lisa Fishman

‘That the speakers be not named, nor remembered.’

Two poems by Lisa Fishman.

A World of Networks and Vines

Marie Darrieussecq

‘No one is alone in their bed anymore.’

An excerpt from Sleepless by Marie Darrieussecq, translated by Penny Hueston.

Memory of Light

Prabda Yoon

‘Until a few years ago, to even mention the monarchy with a questioning undertone was taboo.’

Prabda Yoon on democracy in Thailand.

I Hear You’re Rich

Diane Williams

“I hear you’re rich. Can you give me some of your money? I hear you’re rich. ”

Fiction by Diane Williams.

Conversations with My Father

Idra Novey

‘I tell my dead father if he gives any more advice that rhymes, I’ll leave this story unfinished.’

Fiction by Idra Novey.