Agnes of Iowa
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Anosh Irani | Notes on Craft
Anosh Irani
‘The interiority that we keep speaking of in fiction is built on pain’
In This Heart You Burn
D. W. Wilson
‘Years later, broken-chested beneath the axle of a Ford Mustang, he’ll dream back to a night on the shores of Mimeer Lake when he amphetamined through till dawn and cracked some asshat’s nose with his elbow and gave his virginity to Isabel Crease.’
Mountains Don’t Know Borders
Lois Parshley
‘In the Balkans, the present is often perched precariously on top of the past.’
Cold Mountain: Premières esquisses
Andrée A. Michaud
Ce qui s’est passé par la suite relève de la folie, folie des vents s’entredéchirant, folie de l’homme que ces vents avaient poussé chez moi.
Cold Mountain
Andrée A. Michaud
What came after was the stuff of madness, the madness of warring winds, the madness of the man these winds had delivered up to me.
Kamila Shamsie In Conversation
Kamila Shamsie & Eleanor Chandler
‘There’s a certain adrenaline rush that comes from not knowing.’ Kamila Shamsie on writing the unsaid, the challenges of adapting Antigone and the role of the novel in politics.
Three Poems
Sylvia Legris
‘By the dog the minced oaths, / the god-wounds, the solemnly / declared chronical maladies.’
Naben Ruthnum
‘We think of L’Auberge as more of a sanatorium than a rehab. Certainly not as a mental hospital.’ Fiction from Naben Ruthrum.
Letter to Razan Zaitouneh
Kamila Shamsie
PEN International’s Day of the Imprisoned Writer – we stand in solidarity with writers who have suffered persecution exercising their freedom of expression.
Max Porter reads Will Self
Max Porter & Will Self
In this episode of the podcast, Max Porter, author of Grief is the Thing with Feathers reads ‘False Blood’ by Will Self.
Ten Books that Changed the World
Martin Puchner
Martin Puchner on ten books that have changed the course of world history.
Mary O’Donoghue | Notes on Craft
Mary O’Donoghue
In this new series, we give authors a space to discuss the way they write – from technique and style to inspirations that inform their craft.
Madeleine Thien & Catherine Leroux
Madeleine Thien and Catherine Leroux introduce Granta 141: Canada in both English and French.
Mangilaluk’s Highway
Nadim Roberts
‘They joked about how tough they’d be by the time they got home.’
Benoit Jutras
‘Our nation is a spell of nerves and gas. We say yes to monsters, to elegies etched in our palms.’ Translated by Daniel Canty.
The Rememberer
Johanna Skibsrud
‘The history of human thought, she would sigh despairingly, was nothing more, after all, than an arduous dream.’
Wallace Stevens’s Memory
Armand Garnet Ruffo
‘It was / a line that signaled absolute forgetting / and it made me want to weep into my drink’
Alexander MacLeod
‘It is important to establish, before this begins, that I never thought of myself as an animal person.’
Introduction | in translation
Catherine Leroux & Madeleine Thien
En 1967, on a scrupuleusement désigné le Canada comme dominion, une expression empruntée au...
The Initials
Alex Leslie
‘There was no inquiry and no report either because we all have new names now.’
Writing While Worried
Fanny Britt
‘Just as it can spur me on, worry is adept at stifling and silencing.’
The Battlefield
Dominique Fortier
‘For years, you have been passing through my life; like a comet, disappearing as quickly as you come.’ Translated by Rhonda Mullins.
Le Cirque
Rawi Hage
‘Circuses have the capacity to transform those rejected by society – the acrobats, rope-walkers, puppeteers and expelled demons – into wonders and celebrities.’
The Martians Claim Canada
Margaret Atwood
‘Mushrooms have long memories. Some of them are thousands of years old. However, they are not always very talkative.’
A Sharing Economy
Karen Solie
‘The Paying Guest rises in the middle of the night / to turn off the radio where no radio exists’
The Book Tree
Larry Tremblay
‘I dreamed of dictionaries. I crammed myself with liquorice, honeymoons, caramels.’
Swimming Coach
Anosh Irani
‘He was at home in the water, and it was from here that he would find ways to live, reasons to live.’
Of Roses and Insects
Chloé Savoie-Bernard
‘The insects dissect the layers of my father’s life, our lives and my mother’s life that have collected in this sad house.’ Translated from the French by Neil Smith.
Anakana Schofield
‘If you’ve come all this way here to listen to me, your life will undoubtedly get worse. I’m here to warn you, not to reassure you.’
Life of the Father
Alain Farah
‘Two times is a repetition. Three times is a tradition, or a curse.’ Translated from the French by Lazer Lederhendler.