Granta | The Home of New Writing

A Lovely and Terrible Thing

Uncle Ed

Keith Fleming

‘Back in 1976 when I was sixteen, my uncle, the novelist Edmund White, rescued me from the messy aftermath of my parents' divorce and brought me to live with him in New York’.


Richard Williams

‘The interim report filed by the investigator from the coroner's bureau listed him as a black male, 5ft 7in tall, weighing 1351b‘.

The Furnace

Lydia Davis

‘My father has trouble with his hearing and does not like to talk on the phone, so I talk on the phone mainly to my mother’.


David Malouf

‘There was a time, not so long ago, when we saw my Uncle Charles twice each year, at Easter and Christmas’.

Asking for it

James Hamilton-Paterson

‘Having my hair cut one morning in February 1999, I fell foul of one of those barber-shop discussions which are a feature of life here in Italy’.

First Cut

Jonathan Kaplan

‘I grew up with the expectation that I would serve.’

Are We Related?

Linda Grant

My mother and I are going shopping, as we have done all our lives. ‘Now...

Into the Wind

N. A. M. Rodger

In the days of Francis Drake, the Armada and Queen Elizabeth’s war with Spain, the...

Trawling for Facts

Will Hobson

Less than one-hundredth of a per cent of the deep sea has been glimpsed; astronauts...

Snapper On Board

William Scammell

The Cunard’s Queens, the Mary and Elizabeth, each carried two thousand passengers and almost as...


Bella Bathurst

The lighthouse is petrified in affectionate memory. Its image has been used so often–by charities,...

The Case For Butterfish

Neal Ascherson

The ship had left the port of Varna in Bulgaria, the passengers had dined and...


John Barth

The word odometer dates from 1791, but mileage indicators didn’t appear as standard equipment on...

Martha Gellhorn

Nicholas Shakespeare

‘What clipped the wings of her fiction and grounded her imagination was precisely what made her soar as a journalist.’

Ruchir Joshi | Interview

Ruchir Joshi

Writer and filmmaker Ruchir Joshi on his essay ‘Tracing Puppa’, Calcutta and his dreams of writing for Granta.

The Attacks in Mumbai

Rana Dasgupta

‘India is a garrulous place, and yet, during last week’s attacks in Mumbai, it became speechless.’

Daniel Alarcón | Interview

Daniel Alarcón & Helen Gordon

‘The strangest parts of a story are not necessarily the fictional elements.’

Editor’s Letter: The men who made us

Alex Clark

‘Time comes round and takes your stories.’


Paul Farley

‘I’m holding out. / I’m blue in the face.’

Subject+Object: The fount of all smoky wisdom

Will Self

‘To explain what I now feel for the pipe I must paraphrase the writer Robert Stone’s remarks on hard drugs: I admire it from afar.’

Olga Grushin | Portrait of My Father

Olga Grushin

‘Things that aren’t done right away are never done.’

Doing the Paperwork: Life in the aftermath of a violent death

David Goldblatt

‘If the pressure of their life didn’t kill her it made the fight too hard.’

Portrait of My Father

Ali Smith

‘What you do is, you go up to it, and touch it.’

Ali Smith remembers her father.


James Lasdun

‘But he had engulfed her somehow; taken up residence in her imagination like some large, dense, intractable problem that had been given to her to solve.’

My Father Myself

Siri Hustvedt

‘We are myriad, all of us.’

Portrait of My Father

Joseph O’Neill

Joseph O'Neill charts his father's chronology.

Provide, Provide

Daniyal Mueenuddin

‘You buy me things and then later you’ll think you bought me. I was never for sale.’

Portrait of My Father

Adam Mars-Jones

‘I put my trophy on a high shelf, and at some stage laid it face down.’

Man and Boy

Emma Donoghue

‘I just hope you don’t get seasick.’

Tracing Puppa

Ruchir Joshi

‘Also, at core, he was a theatre man, an actor, and he had the confidence of the genuine performer – ‘life makes you go through many roles and you have to act them with style!’’

Portrait of My Father

Reina James

‘It’s the screen that binds us.’

The Father

Kirsty Gunn

‘They never had people who could be fathers here before.’

In My Father’s Footsteps

Francesca Segal

‘The two monoliths that dominated my father’s identity – the peak and the trough of his life – were Love Story and Parkinson’s disease.’

Portrait of My Father

Jon McGregor

‘He must have taken thousands of services in that time, but this still feels like the holiest thing he’s ever done.‘


Justin Torres

‘We were six snatching hands, six stomping feet; we were brothers, boys, three little kings locked in a feud for more.’