Granta | The Home of New Writing



Henrietta Rose-Innes

‘The name meant that this area had not always been white. It meant that families had been removed from here.’ Henrietta Rose-Innes remembers Cape Town.

The Report

Jessica Francis Kane

‘She was both scared about what it meant – a terrible raid; everyone sensed it – and furious with herself for not planning better.’

Fork in the Road

Leila Aboulela

‘I left Sudan in 1987 – I was 23 years old and the idea of writing was the furthest thing from my mind.’

Anne Rowe | Interview

Anne Rowe

‘From her letters we learn about the woman as opposed to the writer. Iris Murdoch’s philosophy and fiction reveal her rational public face; in her letters she speaks from the heart.’

Where do we put Mark Twain?

Malcolm Jones

‘Twain does have his literary heirs, as Hemingway pointed out in his famous proclamation that all American literature comes from one book, Huck Finn.’

Elizabeth McCracken | Interview

Elizabeth McCracken

‘This week John Freeman spoke to Best Young American Novelist Elizabeth McCracken about her works-in-progress, a novel that broke up into six short stories, and her contribution to Granta’s latest issue.’

Remembered Summer

Troy Jollimore

‘Our conversations faltered, the celestial musicians / took a break between sets, and all the little engines / we had so painstakingly gathered and constructed / lapsed into stillness for a few brief moments.’

Music and Memory

Various Contributors

‘There was a time when I discovered that the best way to remember things was with the accompaniment of very loud music.’

Utterly Dylan

Patrick Ryan

‘I became mad and political and ironical almost overnight, and I started to feed on folk music.’

A Voice from the Vault

Benjamin Griffin

‘You ought never to edit except when awake.’

Finding Nusrat

Janine di Giovanni

‘We sat for sometime, and I found after a while that there was little I could say.’

Missing Out

Leila Aboulela

‘She had held the day up with pegs; not only her day but his too.’

Fiction by Leila Aboulela.

On Jupiter Place

Nicholas Christopher

‘I didn’t know who she was anymore / maybe I never did or could –’

The Book of the Dead

Janine di Giovanni

I always begin bedtime stories to my son the same way: ‘Once upon a time, a long, long time ago . . .’

Dyke Bridge

Peter Orner

‘My brother and I in the knee-deep water, standing in the tidal current, under Dyke Bridge.’

The Last Thing We Need

Claire Vaye Watkins

‘I think there will be lightning tonight; the air has that feel.’


Iris Murdoch

Iris Murdoch’s letters to Raymond Queneau.


Joseph O’Neill

‘Late at night, we took an exit at Sharon and checked into a Holiday Inn.’

Traces: China 1999–2010

Ian Teh

Image 1 of 42 1. 2008. Polluted river. Datong, Shanxi Province. Image 2 of 42...


Elizabeth McCracken

‘The weight of the bag was like the stones in a suicide’s pocket.’


Colin Grant

‘It was a big news day. We were going to look for a piece of lino for the back room.’

High and Dry

Richard Russo

‘What I’d noticed, actually, was that none of the men on the island were missing fingers.’

The Door Was Open and the House Was Dark

Seamus Heaney

‘I called his name, although I knew / The answer this time would be silence / That kept me standing listening while it grew.’

Road Trip

Owen Sheers

‘I’ve always been as surprised by what continues in Zimbabwe as much as by what has been lost; the shards of ‘normal’ life that survive in such a frayed society.’

In Goats’ Eyes is the Sky Blue?

Natsuo Kirino

‘The people locked up in Administrative Camp 16 weren’t allowed clocks. In fact there wasn’t a single clock to be found, even in communal areas.’

The making of a Granta cover

Michael Salu

Granta’s artistic director Michael Salu describes how the new issue’s cover (Granta 111: Going Back) came into being.

Bill Morgan | Interview

Bill Morgan

‘We’ve fallen out of the habit of writing out our lives for one another, and instead we just pick up the phone.’

Kerouac/Ginsberg: The Letters

Allen Ginsberg & Jack Kerouac

‘Your isolation like mine is sad and frightful mainly the blind alleys of money and love but life is not over, and much to be written.’

Two Poems

Rowan Ricardo Phillips

‘It was a cruelty I first tried to blame on nature, / Then on growing up, on falling off, on it being / Just an old myth.’

Philippe Claudel | Interview

Philippe Claudel & Emily Greenhouse

‘The modern novel can’t sidestep or ignore the idea of evil on an industrial level’

First Story

William Fiennes

‘We talked a lot about voice – the idea that everyone has a voice, their own voice, and this is something to be valued and celebrated.’

What I’m Listening To: David Bowie

Wesley Stace

Wesley Stace on listening to every live recording of David Bowie. ‘He was always a step ahead.’

I & I: The Natural Mystics

Colin Grant

‘Such a spectacle could not have been envisaged ten years previously at the time of Bob Marley’s death from cancer.’

From our archive: Medtner

Philip Pullman

Our Music Season continues with writing from our archive by Philip Pullman. In this piece,...

What I’m Listening To

Adam Mars-Jones

‘Obscure repertoire is a sensible hiding-place for mediocre technique.’

The Pretty Women of Paris


‘For the last fifteen years she has been richly kept by a Russian prince, who revels in her brutality, viciousness, extravagance and love of brandy.’