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Tropics of Redemption
Oscar Guardiola-Rivera
‘Lest we forget: the novel was invented in Spanish. We entered modern times through the spirit of a novel written in that language.’
Valerie Miles & Aurelio Major
The foreword for Granta 113: Best of Young Spanish Language Novelists.
Stars and Stripes
Santiago Roncagliolo
‘He chewed on the syllables until they sounded the way they did in movies.’
The Coming Flood
Andrés Barba
‘When it happens, she gets the feeling that the men, for her, are a way to cling to life.’
The Place of Losses
Rodrigo Hasbún
‘I’m getting a divorce, I’m considering a divorce, I think I want a divorce.’
Pablo Gutiérrez
‘There’s no finding a telephone booth with anything more than an amputated cable hanging like a terrible extremity.’
After Helena
Andrés Neuman
‘What can damage us more? The blunt honesty of hatred, or the thwarted objective of reconciliation?’
Scenes From A Comfortable Life
Andrés Ressia Colino
‘That nothing that’s consumed is real; what’s real is expensive, and gets consumed slowly.’
Carlos Yushimito
‘I thought I’d found the answer to many of life’s mysteries, but I had no words to share with the world.’
The Girls Resembled Each Other in the Unfathomable
Carlos Labbé
‘That’s what I was fated to discover. That we’ll never be allowed to experience a desire that we simply can’t handle.’
In Utah There Are Mountains Too
Federico Falco
‘No one had ever spoken her name in a foreign language.’
Gerardo’s Letters
Elvira Navarro
‘The last thing I feel like doing now is going in search of the gnome.’
The Bonfire and the Chessboard
Matías Néspolo
‘I’m not a snob, it’s just that down here we take chess seriously.’
Samanta Schweblin
‘Sometimes she lied. She didn’t do it maliciously; she did it to pass the time.’
Ways of Going Home
Alejandro Zambra
‘It was hard for me to understand how someone could live alone.’
A Few Words on the Life Cycle of Frogs
Patricio Pron
‘I wasn’t going to abandon the dream of literature, I was going to keep dreaming.’
Introducing Andrés Neuman
Roberto Bolaño
‘When I come across these young writers it makes me want to cry.’
Rose Tremain | Interview
Rose Tremain & Ollie Brock
‘I think, on a desert island, what I’d really appreciate are long books: books as day-by-day companions, to combat loneliness and fear.’
Kseniya Melnik | Interview
Ollie Brock & Kseniya Melnik
‘I wanted to write a story about the levels of pain, the ways people describe and explain sickness, and to what lengths they go to find a cure.’
The Witch
Kseniya Melnik
‘They hide in the hollows of the heart, warming themselves in the downy scarf of the child’s soul, leaking poisons of old hurt.’
Bani Abidi | Interview
Bani Abidi & Saskia Vogel
‘I prefer to engage with things I may or may not find important at my own discretion, and feel a bit throttled by the world’s anxious curiosity about Pakistan.’
Memoirs of an Anonymous Phone Sex Worker
‘Even though Madame Katherine became dangerous given a few ice cubes and I now knew 101 ways to delight using rubber bands, the novelty of my job didn’t take long to wear off.’
All the Good Help
Togara Muzanenhamo
‘He will not understand her fascination / for rain, these summer months of water / that somehow keep the money coming in.’
Zaiba Malik
‘I knew I was Pakistani long before I knew I was English, just as I knew I was Muslim long before I knew I was British.’
Daniyal Mueenuddin | Interview
Daniyal Mueenuddin
‘Great translations are much rarer than great works of fiction or poetry.’
Six Snapshots of Partition
John Siddique
‘He hands me my inheritance: a box of conversations. Fragments of memory, blank spaces, things which there are no words for.’