Granta | The Home of New Writing

Higher Ground

Many Words for Heat, Many Words for Hate

Amitava Kumar

‘In Delhi the heat is chemical, something unworldly, a dry bandage or heating pad wrapped around the body.’

Memoir by Amitava Kumar.


Michael Moritz

‘We were Jews and we were living in plain sight.’

Memoir by Michael Moritz.

Biography of X

Catherine Lacey

‘Grief has a warring logic; it always wants something impossible, something worse and something better.’

An extract from Biography of X by Catherine Lacey.

Ecstatic Joy and Its Variants

Peter Gizzi

‘surely this is about water jetting from a spring, / a languid rafting with no particular destination’

Poetry by Peter Gizzi.

The Public and Private Performance of the Deaf Body

Raymond Antrobus

‘There was always cynicism about Ray being a deaf novelty act.’

Raymond Antrobus on performance, Deafness and Johnnie Ray.

Long, Too Long America

Aaron Schuman & Sigrid Rausing

‘The conundrum of America: on the one hand, violence and repression; on the other, freedom and social justice.’

Sigrid Rausing introduces photography by Aaron Schuman.

The Schedule of Loss

Emily LaBarge

‘The Schedule of Loss is what can be heard, what can be tolerated, what can be borne by both teller and told.’

Memoir by Emily LaBarge.

To That Silence, I Told Everything

Xiao Yue Shan

‘To survive, difference was something that had to be mastered.’

Xiao Yue Shan on migration, absence and discovering a library at the end of the world.

The Antigua Journals (What Is a Homeland)

Chanelle Benz

‘I am used to not belonging; it is, you could say, my brand.’

Chanelle Benz on reuniting with her father in Antigua.

The Golden Record

Caspar Henderson

‘The two copies of the Golden Record were shot into space nearly fifty years ago.’

Caspar Henderson on music sent into space by NASA.

Ordinary People

Richard Eyre

‘Is it courage? Is it stoicism? Is it wilful lack of imagination?’

Richard Eyre on family histories and what it means to be ordinary.

A Light Bird

Maylis de Kerangal

‘Her voice survived her, in recorded form, indestructible, in the form of a light bird.’

Fiction by Maylis de Kerangal, translated by Jessica Moore.

City by the Sea

Kalpesh Lathigra & Max Ferguson

‘The homogeneity of cities is a form of madness, but it’s also comfortable because it’s a recognisable madness.’

Kalpesh Lathigra on Mumbai, artistic perspective and moving away from neutrality.

The Last Place We Were Happy

TaraShea Nesbit

‘Our daughter had been born one month early, unbreathing. My husband and I drove to the last place we were happy.’

Memoir by TaraShea Nesbit.

Through the Smoke, Through the Veil, Through the Wind

Roger Reeves

‘In the middle of disaster, we made the unimaginable – joy.’

Roger Reeves on loss, memory and the legacy of slavery.

In Conversation

Constance Debré & Chris Kraus

‘It was a bit like Saint Augustine and his conversion.’

Constance Debré and Chris Kraus on queer identity, casual sex and the politics of refusal.


Dorothy Tse

‘Here one minute, gone the next.’An extract from Owlish by Dorothy Tse, translated by Natascha Bruce.

Notes on Craft

Aidan Cottrell-Boyce

‘The whole episode is a miracle and much of the miracle is in the muscles of Carmela’s face.’

Aidan Cottrell-Boyce on craft, nuance and The Sopranos.

Two Poems

Tim Liardet

‘Head up, / head down, it strolled ever so slowly out of the frame / with the suggestion of a limp. Extinct as an umbrella.’

Poetry by Tim Liardet.

I Won’t Let You Go

Hiromi Kawakami

‘I have no idea why I felt so drawn to the mermaid, but the pull was irresistible.’

Fiction by Hiromi Kawakami, translated by Allison Markin Powell.


Chịkọdịlị Emelụmadụ

‘I saw it all. Nobody here gives children ear, so I saw everything just by being quiet and doing like I dinor see.’

An extract from Dazzling by Chịkọdịlị Emelụmadụ.

What You Need From the Night

Laurent Petitmangin

‘Fus was twenty-five, he wasn’t a kid. What was he doing hanging out with fascists?’

An excerpt from What You Need From the Night. Translated from the French by Shaun Whiteside.

The Flesh Strip

Adrian Van Young

‘No person or doll had anatomy like that. It was, she reasoned, some mistake, a dud in the assembly line, but something about it felt special, auspicious.’

A story by Adrian Van Young.

Hungry Ghosts

Kevin Jared Hosein

‘This was no longer a fight, Krishna realised. This was a point of no return.’

An excerpt from Hungry Ghosts by Kevin Jared Hosein.

In Conversation

Pico Iyer & Caryl Phillips

‘The immigrant’s dream – that he or she can make a better life for the children – becomes a kind of tragedy when it comes true.’

Pico Iyer and Caryl Phillips discuss migration, V. S. Naipaul and the meaning of home.


Lucie Elven

‘When I looked back, I felt a jolt – some forgotten, tearful part of me becoming magnified. Why would you stay with a person wielding a broom or an axe?’

New fiction from Lucie Elven.

Moving Nowhere Here

Kimberly Campanello

‘I am afraid to say we are all / progressing or regressing / down a more or less screwy road / found on a very old map / until / we are going Nowhere.’

A poem by Kimberly Campanello.


Maru Ayase

‘I always felt this way whenever a fresh stone grew inside me.’ A story by Maru Ayase, translated from the Japanese by Haydn Trowell.


Dizz Tate

‘It was a Saturday and we had nothing to do like every other day of our lives.’

An extract from Brutes by Dizz Tate.

Three Poems

Seán Hewitt

‘I looked away, ashamed, / then raised my hand / to the hawthorn / and plucked its fruit.’

Poetry by Seán Hewitt.

Notes on Craft

Lee Lai

‘I’ve loved experiencing the page as a map, as something to be wandered across.’

Lee Lai on the function of page and panel in comics.

Self-Replicating Textual Worms

Lucy Mercer

‘Sometimes, it is better to not know what is behind the veil, decode the sign.’

Lucy Mercer on motherhood, emblems and obscurity.

Two Poems

Eleni Sikelianos

‘in the animal mirror my incisors / were not fangs but surely / they could still tear / meat’

Two poems by Eleni Sikelianos.

Two Poems

Fee Griffin

‘I went to Enid’s funeral and there was a mole on the coffin and it seemed / aware of us but unconcerned.’

Two poems by Fee Griffin.