Travellers Inside the Marquee | Eudris Planche Savón | Granta

Travellers Inside the Marquee

Eudris Planche Savón

Translated by Margaret Jull Costa

‘Katherine Mansfield has just stolen my chance to begin a conversation.’

Fiction by Eudris Planche Savón, translated by Margaret Jull Costa.

Eudris Planche Savón

Eudris Planche Savón (1985) was born in Guantánamo, Cuba. He is a doctor and writer. His first novel, Hermanas de intercambio, won the Pinos Nuevos Award and the 2019–20 World Literary Excellence Award. His story collection, Cero cuentos, was published in 2020.

Photograph courtesy of the author

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Translated by Margaret Jull Costa

Margaret Jull Costa has worked as a translator for over thirty years, translating the works of many Spanish and Portuguese writers, among them novelists: Javier Marías, Bernardo Atxaga, José Saramago and Eça de Queiroz; and poets: Fernando Pessoa, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Mário de Sá-Carneiro and Ana Luísa Amaral.

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