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Anna Pyasetskaya
Anna Pyasetskaya is the founder of a Chechen-Russian organization which counsels and represents people still searching for missing family members. ‘The Lost Boys’ (Granta 64) was first published in Karta, a Russian journal dedicated to human-rights issues.
More about the author →Heidi Bradner
More about the author →Translated by Galina Orlova
More about the translator →Translated by Patricia Cocrell
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Ekhmetjan Osman
‘A cold star breeze, you pass through my eyelashes.’
A poem by Ekhmetjan Osman translated by Joshua L. Freeman.
The Translator
Tahir Hamut Izgil
‘I might walk endlessly’
A poem by Tahir Hamut Izgil, translated by Joshua L. Freeman.
Spam for President
Harryette Mullen
‘My voice may grate your nerves again.’
A poem by Harryette Mullen.
Jia Pingwa
‘Your friends might never know you intimately. There are those that will know you intimately but never be your friend.’
Jia Pingwa on friendship.
Ocean Hotpot
Si’an Chen
‘I promise you, the committee only looks at two things: how feasible a proposal is, and what it could actually do for the environment.’
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In My Father’s Footsteps
Francesca Segal
‘The two monoliths that dominated my father’s identity – the peak and the trough of his life – were Love Story and Parkinson’s disease.’