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The Canada Pictures
Douglas Coupland
Douglas Coupland
Born in 1961, Douglas Coupland is a Canadian author and artist whose visual work often explores the links between text and the made object. His novels include Generation X (1991), All Families Are Psychotic (2001), The Gum Thief (2007) and Generation A (2009).
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Zulu Romeo Foxtrot
Douglas Coupland
‘This inflexibility makes sense to a non-visual thinker, but to visual thinkers such dogma is depressing and sad, like forcing ballerinas to wear suits of armour.‘
What Burns
Julie Bouchard
‘Seven thousand forest fires are currently burning – fires which, under normal circumstances, would never even cross your mind.’
Fiction by Julie Bouchard, translated by Arielle Aaronson.
Mute Tree
Y-Dang Troeung
‘When and where does the crisis of war begin and end?’
Y-Dang Troeung on the longevity of war.
In Conversation
Vanessa Onwuemezi & Colin Herd
‘Words only point to experience, they can’t replace it.’
Vanessa Onwuemezi and Colin Herd discuss UFOs, relation, and the search for an inner sense of home.
Notes on Craft
Colin Grant
‘Always I tell myself: yes, you transmit but do they, the readers, receive?’
Colin Grant on distilling truth in memoir.
Carlos Yushimito
‘I thought I’d found the answer to many of life’s mysteries, but I had no words to share with the world.’