Solitude | Huang Canran | Granta Magazine


Huang Canran

Translated by Judith Roche

‘Two friends, who hadn’t met in a year / sat chatting in a house.’

Huang Canran

Born in Fujian, Huang Canran immigrated to Hong Kong in 1978, but returned as an undergraduate to China where he studied journalism in Jinan University in Guangzhou. Since 1990 he has worked as a news translator for Ta Kung Pao. An influential translator of European and American poetry and a literary critic, he is poetry editor of the US-based Tendency Quarterly and co-founder of the Guangzhou poetry magazine and Voices. His poems won top prizes in the Awards for Creative Writing in Chinese in 1996 and 2000. His poetry collections include Shinian shixuan: 1985 to 1994 (Selected poems: 1985 to 1994) (1997) and Youyongchi pan de mingxiang (Meditation by the pool) (2000).

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Translated by Judith Roche

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