For more about the author, including critical perspectives and in-depth biographies, visit the British Council’s web pages on Naomi Alderman.
Photograph © BBC Radio 4
Ellah Allfrey speaks with Naomi Alderman, one of Granta’s Best Young British Novelists.
For more about the author, including critical perspectives and in-depth biographies, visit the British Council’s web pages on Naomi Alderman.
Photograph © BBC Radio 4
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Naomi Alderman is the author of three novels: Disobedience, The Lessons and The Liars' Gospel. She writers and designs computer games and it co-creator of Zombies, Run!, the best-selling iPhone fitness game and audio adventure. A professor of creative writing at Bath Spa University, she has been paired with Margaret Atwood in the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative. She is currently working on her fourth novel.
More about the author →‘They’re the interchangeable anonymous people we encounter on our daily commute, those whose humanity we cannot acknowledge.’
Naomi Alderman shares five songs she loves to write to.
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‘Thank you, God,’ said the boys, ‘for not making me a woman.’ ‘Thank you, God,’ said the girls, ‘for making me according to Your will.’
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