Filling Up With Sugar | Yuten Sawanishi | Granta Magazine

Filling Up With Sugar

Yuten Sawanishi

Translated by Jay Rubin

‘The vagina was the first part of her mother’s body that turned to sugar.’

Yuten Sawanishi

Yuten Sawanishi was born in Osaka. He is the author of Furamingo no mura (Village of Flamingos), for which he was awarded the Subaru Literary Prize in 2011. He is currently studying modern Japanese literature in the doctoral program at Kyoto University.

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Translated by Jay Rubin

Jay Rubin has a PhD in Japanese literature from the University of Chicago. His translations include the story collection Rashōmon and Seventeen Other Stories, by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa,  The Miner, by Sōseki Natsume and Haruki Murakami’s novels The Wind-Up Bird ChronicleNorwegian Wood, After Dark and books one and two of 1Q84.

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