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Buckets of Blood
Tessa Hadley
‘I’m miscarrying a pregnancy, she said, when the spasm seemed to have passed.—It’s a fine mess.’
The Grief of Strangers
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
‘Chinechelum said little as her mother drove her to the airport.’
Ian McEwan
‘He'll be ruthless with himself in his pursuit of boundless health to avoid his mother's fate: Mental death.’
Northanger Abbey
Martin Amis
Jane Austen’s novel ‘Northanger Abbey’ was published posthumously in 1818. Martin Amis adapted it for Miramax Pictures in 2001. The film has yet to be made. This is how it begins.
Early One Morning
Helen Simpson
‘He's the only person in the world who listens to me and does what I tell him (thought Zoe).’
The View from Yves Hill
William Boyd
‘What is the point of rising early? I congratulate myself if I'm out of bed before midday.’
J. Robert Lennon
‘She lay there, her hand on her jeans in the place where she’d seen John’s head coming out of his mother.’
The Enemy
Tessa Hadley
‘She relished the thought of his rather ravaged fifty-five-year-old and oh-so-male head against her broderie anglaise pillowcases.‘