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This Happy

Niamh Campbell

‘How does a person waste her twenties like that? The answer of course being easily indeed. As easy as can be.’


Magalí Etchebarne

‘A man, my mother once told me, is a small animal that looks immense.’

Learning to Sing

Lydia Davis

‘You discover during your very first lessons that the problem of singing better involves overcoming many other problems you had not ever imagined.’

Diminishing Returns

Fatin Abbas

‘Alex had been sent to this remote district between north and south Sudan to update maps. It was an information-gathering project run by an American NGO based in the capital, Khartoum, nine hundred kilometers to the north.’

Exciting Times

Naoise Dolan

‘There was something Shakespearean about imperious men going down on you: the mighty have fallen.’

Naoise Dolan’s Exciting Times is shortlisted for the 2020 Young Writer of the Year Award.

Some Rivers Meet

James Clarke

‘What a thing it must be to lose your marbles on your own, with not even enough milk in the fridge for a proper brew.’

Fiction by James Clarke.

Island Song

Madeleine Bunting

An extract from Madeleine Bunting’s first novel.

Line A—B

Mark Blacklock

‘Never was a man so deep in thought.’
An extract from Mark Blacklock’s new novel.

Malliga Homes

Sindya Bhanoo

Winner of the Disquiet Prize for Fiction 2020.

Sing Stone, Speak Fire

Dan Bradley

‘The emergency cords have been removed from the carriages for some time.’

A new story by Dan Bradley.


Amina Cain

‘Every morning and night I walked through that city, to and from the museum.’

From Amina Cain’s new novel.

The Normal Life

Dulce Maria Cardoso

‘Blood had started to come out from within, thick and dark blood that forced me to use sanitary pads every month.’

Don’t Look at Me Like That

Diana Athill

‘When I was at school I used to think that everyone disliked me, and it wasn’t far from true.’

Visitors Rev. 4

Anne Carson

‘I descend to confront – a visitor! After the jam? I think so. Or the gin.’